Lets talk diets and which/how you all diet to prepare for season.
We all know that we run, ruck, weight training, intervals, ECT. But I never see anyone talk about diet.
Myself, I'm not a master genius by anymeans. In my family genes, we gain fast but can lose 20lbs in a month by just running. So that part is nice.
I go through a yearly (really a monthly) weight change. During the summer months when I'm playing semi professional baseball I'll get myself down to the 190lb mark which is a good weight for me. I'm 5'11" and have a stocky build. I have to sometimes get XXL just so it'll fit my shoulders right.
But during the hunting season I'll get clear up to 220lbs (not even joking) entered January 1st at 228. When I'm hunting I'm eating a ton of food. Mountain Houses mainly for meals but also around the elk camp I'm drinking beer. Even though I'm doing 10 miles sometimes per day I still gain the weight.
Now with diets ive tried everything. Keto, Atkins, caveman, supplements ect ect.
Trying to see if there's one I havent tried that will help KEEP the weight off. Definitely tired of doing the same diets only to gain it back lol. And I'm also hitting the gym atleast 4 times a week. I try to do 6 but ends up being no less than 4.