Well-Known Member
I use accelerator and patch out combination on all my barrels. I have never used accelerator on its own but almost always leave barrels overnight with the combo soaking. I regularly see red streaks in my patches when applying accelerator. This is generally the 1st or 2nd application of the accelerator.(before applying accelerator/patch out I clean loose debris out of the bore with hoppes until patches come out clean with no soaking. Then clean with alcohol patch and dry patch. Then use the wipeout/patch out)
The rifles that I've built or purchased since buying a borescope (which I use every cleaning) I've yet to see a pitted barrel. This includes 3 different proof carbon barrels, 2 criterion, and multiple factory barrels.
But now I'm curious because I recently looked down my barrels for the ar platform that are pitted. I have 6 barrels from the same manufacturer. 3 of which are pitted. All of them stainless. I'm not sure if they were like this when I got them or when the pits actually showed up.
My understanding of the accelerators purpose is to speed up the patch out. It is not intended to clean whatsoever. So with all due respect I'm curious as to how you expected a good outcome?
Maybe it was this I read on the side of the bottle. as you suggest my moronic pea brain…