Well-Known Member
So I made a roller to measure my neck runout on the was kinda bad.
Fired brass was around .002
After neck sizing and bullet seating it mostly went to .005-.010
What to do, I pondered.....order better dies than the standard rcbs?
I took one fired brass that had .0025 runout and hit it with the FL die and sure as a politicians promise it went south.....006 runout. I thought what do I have to lose so I ran it up a few more times while changing it's relation to the die. Darn thing got better and better (easier to press too) .003, .002 etc.. until after 5 or so runs at it I was at .0005 lightbulb
Am I smoking crack here or do others do this?
My only question is safety with working that neck brass a few times, after the first one it hardly feels like it is being worked much. Sure comes out nice though. I can't wait to see the final runout with the bullet.
Fired brass was around .002
After neck sizing and bullet seating it mostly went to .005-.010
What to do, I pondered.....order better dies than the standard rcbs?
I took one fired brass that had .0025 runout and hit it with the FL die and sure as a politicians promise it went south.....006 runout. I thought what do I have to lose so I ran it up a few more times while changing it's relation to the die. Darn thing got better and better (easier to press too) .003, .002 etc.. until after 5 or so runs at it I was at .0005 lightbulb
Am I smoking crack here or do others do this?
My only question is safety with working that neck brass a few times, after the first one it hardly feels like it is being worked much. Sure comes out nice though. I can't wait to see the final runout with the bullet.