That's nice, I'm glad you all like it here.AZ is awesome near as I can tell. Getting a couple bucks on cam nothing big but good enough for me. Also looking at a backpack trip into the mazatzal wilderness for deer. Drew a archery javalina tag for January. I went up to spot on the side of the Pinals the other morning, didn't turn up any deer but did find a bear. Globe is turning out to be a pretty great town for us. Good restaurants, extra curricular afore the kids and affordable to where the wife can build her brand new dream home.
There are some really nice and big coues bucks around, but you need to go in deep where there aren't many roads or human activity, they know to stay away, thats how they get big.
When you go after them be patient and glass a lot, they pop out out if nowhere and disappear just as fast. If you already have some on cams that is a great sign.
Javelinas are always fun and very good eating too. Good luck on your coues hunt and stay safe