Developing a New 'Hammer' Load for 6.5-06

I'm curious has anyone had the opportunity to compare how the hammer bullets compare to the Barnes x, how well do the penetrate, having grown up hunting national forest lands here in California I learned if you hope to fill a tag every year you can't afford to pass up a less than perfect shot, the odds of ever seeing that buck again are slim and none, with a Barnes shooting at the north end of a south bound deer puts him on the ground,
I'm curious has anyone had the opportunity to compare how the hammer bullets compare to the Barnes x, how well do the penetrate, having grown up hunting national forest lands here in California I learned if you hope to fill a tag every year you can't afford to pass up a less than perfect shot, the odds of ever seeing that buck again are slim and none, with a Barnes shooting at the north end of a south bound deer puts him on the ground,
I'm curious has anyone had the opportunity to compare how the hammer bullets compare to the Barnes x, how well do the penetrate, having grown up hunting national forest lands here in California I learned if you hope to fill a tag every year you can't afford to pass up a less than perfect shot, the odds of ever seeing that buck again are slim and none, with a Barnes shooting at the north end of a south bound deer puts him on the ground,
Texas speed bump that 6.5-06 should be at least a 1-9 twist but being that it is not like Bean posted try the 85 gr hammer you should be able too drive that bullet over 3500 fps there isn't a deer in Tx that wouldn't be drt take advantage of the velocity gain you will get with the 85 gr being that's it's all copper it will perform well above it's initial weight more like a 125 gr plus, post your results good luck
I'm curious has anyone had the opportunity to compare how the hammer bullets compare to the Barnes x, how well do the penetrate, having grown up hunting national forest lands here in California I learned if you hope to fill a tag every year you can't afford to pass up a less than perfect shot, the odds of ever seeing that buck again are slim and none, with a Barnes shooting at the north end of a south bound deer puts him on the ground,
They out penetrate the Barnes
I'm curious has anyone had the opportunity to compare how the hammer bullets compare to the Barnes x, how well do the penetrate, having grown up hunting national forest lands here in California I learned if you hope to fill a tag every year you can't afford to pass up a less than perfect shot, the odds of ever seeing that buck again are slim and none, with a Barnes shooting at the north end of a south bound deer puts him on the ground,
My experience with Barnes bullets is that they penetrate at caliber size and exit about the size of a quarter, at least my 7-08 and 7RM do, and that's on both deer and elk. My experience with Hammer bullets is that they penetrate at caliber size and exit the size of a hard ball, not that it mattered because the elk and deer that I used them on both flopped over dead right there. You decide which you prefer...
My experience with Barnes bullets is that they penetrate at caliber size and exit about the size of a quarter, at least my 7-08 and 7RM do, and that's on both deer and elk. My experience with Hammer bullets is that they penetrate at caliber size and exit the size of a hard ball, not that it mattered because the elk and deer that I used them on both flopped over dead right there. You decide which you prefer...
The Barnes has never let me down even when I didn't do my part, but anything can be improved upon, thanks
The Barnes has never let me down even when I didn't do my part, but anything can be improved upon, thanks
They, Barnes, didn't let me down either, just took two shots a few times, especially on elk. Hammers on the other hand were "one and done". Definitely a better mouse trap.
So, speaking of Barnes, let me hijack my own post here instead of starting a new thread. I built that LR 308 you see in my profile pic to left last year specifically to hunt hogs with. My hunting buddies think I'm crazy lugging two rifles up into my elevated blind every day but it's performed very well. I shot 15 hogs last season and I think all but one was with the 308 using Barnes 165-grain TTSX BTs. Barnes lists a range of 39.7 to 44.1c grains of IMR 4064 for that bullet. I used 39.7g last season but this year, I'd like to do some load development and see what some hotter loads will do using the same bullet and powder. This will be my first foray in to load development so I'd appreciate your thoughts on what powder weight increments I should use and how many rounds for each test load. I was thinking 5. This rifle has a 16" McGowan barrel with a 1-10 twist.


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Do your load ladder and find the best consistently. The hogs won't notice how much "hotter" the load is.
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