Developing a New 'Hammer' Load for 6.5-06

Spoke to Steve and he did indeed suggest the 85s. That's lighter than anything I would have expected to shoot in this 6.5 and will be curious to see how it compares to the 120g Noslers I've been running as far as knock down power on deer and hogs. Seems awful light to me but hey, this is one old dog who CAN learn new tricks...
That's the name of the game with Hammer bullets. They hit way out of their weight class. Old reloading axioms no longer apply. Lighter bullets per caliber with faster powder to get them up to speed usually, but not always, along with a magnum primer to touch everything off properly are the way to go!

Enjoy your hunting!

Spoke to Steve and he did indeed suggest the 85s. That's lighter than anything I would have expected to shoot in this 6.5 and will be curious to see how it compares to the 120g Noslers I've been running as far as knock down power on deer and hogs. Seems awful light to me but hey, this is one old dog who CAN learn new tricks...
Here's the exit wound from the 109 gr.

Listen, I get you questioning using a much lighter bullet than you would ever consider. But, to quote Bean, "Hammers are a game changer and not like conventional bullets" and "they hit way above their weight". It took me some time to embrace this. There is a really good thread on the Hammer Bullets website forum called Hammer Time. Look for the thread called "Hammered Down Under". One of our esteemed colleagues from Australia did a lot of testing on multiple animals. He emphatically killed some huge Asiatic Waterbuffalo with the 124 gr Hammer Hunter in a 300 RUM. Wrap your head around that.


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Here's the exit wound from the 109 gr.

Listen, I get you questioning using a much lighter bullet than you would ever consider. But, to quote Bean, "Hammers are a game changer and not like conventional bullets" and "they hit way above their weight". It took me some time to embrace this. There is a really good thread on the Hammer Bullets website forum called Hammer Time. Look for the thread called "Hammered Down Under". One of our esteemed colleagues from Australia did a lot of testing on multiple animals. He emphatically killed some huge Asiatic Waterbuffalo with the 124 gr Hammer Hunter in a 300 RUM. Wrap your head around that.
Great point and illustration, Doug.
Spoke to Steve and he did indeed suggest the 85s. That's lighter than anything I would have expected to shoot in this 6.5 and will be curious to see how it compares to the 120g Noslers I've been running as far as knock down power on deer and hogs. Seems awful light to me but hey, this is one old dog who CAN learn new tricks...
Trust Me, Clear your mind as You are gonna have to start thinking outside the box
Spoke to Steve and he did indeed suggest the 85s. That's lighter than anything I would have expected to shoot in this 6.5 and will be curious to see how it compares to the 120g Noslers I've been running as far as knock down power on deer and hogs. Seems awful light to me but hey, this is one old dog who CAN learn new tricks...
You'll be very impressed!
Spoke to Steve and he did indeed suggest the 85s. That's lighter than anything I would have expected to shoot in this 6.5 and will be curious to see how it compares to the 120g Noslers I've been running as far as knock down power on deer and hogs. Seems awful light to me but hey, this is one old dog who CAN learn new tricks...
You da man, sir. That's the attitude of a winner.
Listen to Bean, he's spot on.

Just an FYI, I'm running the 109 gr Absolute Hammer in my 6.5-284 Norma. Your 6.5-06 has the same case capacity as my Norma, so they are very similar. With HV100, I'm getting 3511 fps. It's devastating on game. I destroyed a NM pronghorn with this load last month.
Light and fast works extremely well with Hammer Bullets
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try the 85s and after your suggestion, the 109s too. Will be an interesting comparison
Here's the exit wound from the 109 gr.

Listen, I get you questioning using a much lighter bullet than you would ever consider. But, to quote Bean, "Hammers are a game changer and not like conventional bullets" and "they hit way above their weight". It took me some time to embrace this. There is a really good thread on the Hammer Bullets website forum called Hammer Time. Look for the thread called "Hammered Down Under". One of our esteemed colleagues from Australia did a lot of testing on multiple animals. He emphatically killed some huge Asiatic Waterbuffalo with the 124 gr Hammer Hunter in a 300 RUM. Wrap your head around that.
Impressive. You know, I DO want a little meat left when it's all said and done. :)
Impressive. You know, I DO want a little meat left when it's all said and done. :)
Actually, that's what you will get if you put the bullet in the heart/lung area. I hit a cow elk with a 300WM 178 gr. Absolute Hammer and she folded, not one step more, just Bang! Flop! Everytime I've shot elk with Barnes bullets it took two shots. Everytime. Same thing with my 280AI on deer, Bang! Flop!
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