Desire to build a 300 RUM

Thanks for all the feedback, considering the math (Build Cost) I am researching the cost of a custom price. This was one of the recommendations
A RUM built with a 9 twist along with an action and mag box capable of a 4 inch round is the way to get max performance out of this round. I load mine with a COAL of 3.99 and seat 245 Bergers about .020 off the lands on top of N570. with a 25 inch barrel it gives almost 3000 fps (2996). Great perfomance out to 1000 yards farthest I have shot it so far.
^ this!! 9 twist 4" box. Buy lots of powder and let her eat!!
Absolutely zero negatives building on a trued REM 700, they are one of the best designs ever and why they are copied to the 'enth degree.
Done correctly, you will have a rifle that is just as good as any custom action.

Except for low resale, no integrated bases, no integrated recoil lug and won't accept prefits and that's after dumping a pile of cash into one getting it trued, the primary extraction fixed, milled to accept longer mag boxes, the optic base holes straightend and opened up to 8/40. You do all that and a 700 is almost a custom action and the 700 only cost slightly more.
I used to shoot a RUM. It's a great round the only issue is making it mag feed with the heavy bullets.
I ended up going to 30 Sherman Mag for this reason.
I don't even bother having the action trued on a 700 anymore. For what it cost once done I could be at custom action with more features and prefits. I still use a ton of 700s and have great luck with them. I'd just run the 700 as a single shot and get it throated long.
Except for low resale, no integrated bases, no integrated recoil lug and won't accept prefits and that's after dumping a pile of cash into one getting it trued, the primary extraction fixed, milled to accept longer mag boxes, the optic base holes straightend and opened up to 8/40. You do all that and a 700 is almost a custom action and the 700 only cost slightly more.
Hey they accept Remage :p
My buddy did a build on a browning x-bolt. Proof barrel Boyd's stock in a 300rum. The action is great for the money and more gunsmiths will work on them than you think. He can load out to about 3.750 I think in the mag. Only downside is aftermarket support but with McMillan making stocks now Id build one in a heartbeat.