wanting to build a 300 blackout

This may come too late, it I have built multiple AR's in multiple calibers and will never buy another expensive matched receiver set again (only did for my first rifle). I have a half dozen with $30 Anderson lowers that shoot sub moa with bulk ammo. If there is any slip between the receivers just throw a $4 accu-wedge in them. Spend your money on a good barrel with matched/headspaced bolt.
Mark your magazines very well a 300 blackout will chamber in a 5.55/223rem chamber and even go bang then everything goes all sideways from that point.


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That's why I don't do a 6 creed. To easy to mess up. The blk though is nice. I held off on the Grendel for so long cause I didn't gain much in the term that I use it in. I drive the 100gr at 2550fps and it's great. But now with the hammer 99gr I'm in the grendel deep with several of them. Lol
Still love my blk for ease of use.
I've built two pistols and would agree with what most have said; spend money on the parts that matter: Bolt, barrel, trigger, and optic.
That said I've had a couple of blemished BCM uppers and they have the tightest fit to barrel I've experienced.
My 10.5" is my favorite and my deer gun. BCM upper, faxon barrel, elftmann trigger, Comp M4 red dot, Odin works O2 forearm. I use 135gr hornady to hunt; knocks them down in their tracks. I've only taken hunting shots within 100 yards, but where I hunt that's plenty.
I've built two pistols and would agree with what most have said; spend money on the parts that matter: Bolt, barrel, trigger, and optic.
That said I've had a couple of blemished BCM uppers and they have the tightest fit to barrel I've experienced.
My 10.5" is my favorite and my deer gun. BCM upper, faxon barrel, elftmann trigger, Comp M4 red dot, Odin works O2 forearm. I use 135gr hornady to hunt; knocks them down in their tracks. I've only taken hunting shots within 100 yards, but where I hunt that's plenty.
Good call on the trigger, I forgot to add that. Mil spec triggers are horrible for accuracy (7-8 lb pull weight).
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