I think you can do better, next year. Too late to to find a place now, if you can afford it after you look, better jump on it.
For perspective I've two leases 2 hours north east of Dallas. Bowie co farm land In the red river bottoms. This a result of me having no lease last year.
750 acres with 6 guys at $2000 a hunter.( one is from Dallas)
Family can hunt but only 6 13" bucks can be taken total. Ducks, fish, hogs, predators and anything else legal for the entire year.
The other is 4500 acres with 10 hunters at $1600 which includes liability insurance. Same rules and a year lease. On the 4500 acres kids and spouse
can kill deer too.
So, I'm at $3600 but, I'm within 15 minutes of both.
It really is all relative.
This axis in the pic was a$1500 deer from rock springs last year. I lucked out and a buddy took me to his lease there where they pay $1500 per gun on 700 acres and they charge a day fee to guest.
It would of been $2500 to anyone else.
Good luck and I may have an opening here next season.
Keep in mind, both Parker and Palo pinto county's have 13" antler restrictions.
And in Texas, when you lease, you are getting the hunting rights to the place only unless otherwise specified.