DBM Feeding Issue

If your neck is a shade tight and bullets are seating a little different because of boat tail shape or like I said earlier your seating die not fitting the berger tip well and causing a little run out can definitely cause your issue. David
If your neck is a shade tight and bullets are seating a little different because of boat tail shape or like I said earlier your seating die not fitting the berger tip well and causing a little run out can definitely cause your issue. David
That may be the cause as well. I will get the vld seating stem and see if that helps.
I will as soon as I can. It's raining here in east Texas and need to go to the range to get a fired case.
My guess is the measurement wont be much different! In fact, it wouldnt surprise me if the fired case was smaller because of spring back
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My guess is the measurement wont be much different! In fact, it wouldnt surprise me if the fired case was smaller because of spring back
Another thing I thought of was your brass segregated where you might have shot berger brass more times and it needs trimmed because the neck is to long being shoved in chamber to deep. David
All is once fired Norma brass and measuring within tolerance


I'm having issues with my 338edge. Not "as big" as yours, but brass/neck clearance is not enough... just a little tight, so a fresh bullet has some contact with a fired brass neck (that indicates little clearance -or chamber carbon buildup-).

Thing is: my no-turn reamer has .371 neck, a loaded round is .368... using 300rum Norma brass and Berger EH 300. With RP it's smaller and all fits fine. Norma brass is a touch thicker than others.

I think you can have your chamber neck reamed, but this will give you excess clearance with other brass brands. My suggestion, neck turn your norma brass... just a touch

Good luck!
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