I think those prices are insane but that's completely subjective. Especially as the quality of factory guns is going up. $500 Savages group extremely well now as a matter of course. Remington is offering a $1300 street price build with a blueprinted action with 5r rifling and cerakote.
Bergara just started building rifles in 2016 with prices from $700 to around $1900 that shoot .5" all day. And frankly I don't understand the perceived need for .5" rifles for even mule deer. The kill zone is about 18" and you surely don't need sub moa for that.
What I think is a fad is the relatively new practice of shooting game at 500+ yards. I heard some yahoo bragging about his umpteen hundred yard kill. I told him I wouldn't be going on about being that poor of a hunter that I couldn't get within a half mile of it. From his expression I got down voted on that.
. Now long range SHOOTING is understandable and fun but not game animals.
Now if you're talking rifles as an addiction I can certainly understand how special builds get your blood pumping. All I'm saying is I don't think as a practical need stratosphere guns are required even to get accuracy you don't need. Your mileage may vary.