Coyote hunting tips

Yes it's pretty hard to call something if it isn't there to be called but that too is one of the mistakes I made early in my calling life before I learned to track them ( meaning read what sign they leave for you to see ) .
I, too, have learned to call in areas where I don't think that there are many coyotes around.
I've found travel routes that are not easily visible by walking across areas instead of following the normal trails.
Those traveling coyotes, as DSheetz found, will fool you into thinking that there are no coyotes because they will travel miles in a steady walk/trot along one path, not leaving sign scattered all over.
I realize that it's a different ball game when you are hunting one specific coyote rather than ringing the dinner bell and seeing who shows up, but don't overlook an area because you don't see much/any sign.

I, too, have learned to call in areas where I don't think that there are many coyotes around.
I've found travel routes that are not easily visible by walking across areas instead of following the normal trails.
Those traveling coyotes, as DSheetz found, will fool you into thinking that there are no coyotes because they will travel miles in a steady walk/trot along one path, not leaving sign scattered all over.
I realize that it's a different ball game when you are hunting one specific coyote rather than ringing the dinner bell and seeing who shows up, but don't overlook an area because you don't see much/any sign.

Amen , railroad tracks near big cities are hotspots, I'm hitting a place soon as described.
Lower volume higher pitched calls most times . Rock piles and tree lined or brushy draws . I put my back to a rock ledge or high cut bank , So they don't land on top of me but to the side when they come from behind . And as I'm calling I look for a rock that just appeared that wasn't there when I started calling . Ears and eyes just looking at me more then movement or a critter that moves low to the ground slowly inching forward as geo said he saw one running with it's elbows higher then it's back often they will creep in walking like that .
If you are going to call coyote 12 months of the year make a plan for doing that . Often if you do more observing them then calling them as you are out in the field they will tell you what sounds will work at that time of the year because those sounds will be ones that you are hearing out there in the field . You can set up at your stand and listen for 10 - 15 minutes before you start calling is all that it takes to accomplish this . Don't be too fast to play all of your sounds , if they are out of season they might work for you but then what will you have to use when they are in season if you have already trained the coyote in your area as to what these sounds are . An example is the puppy distress sounds , yes I can use them now and get coyote to charge in like their tails are on fire , but what happens when I want to call using that sound in April or May when there are pups being born and that sound should work but they have already heard it and not found what they thought they would as they responded to it . They will come often but will do so more cautious and being human I may or may not see them sneaking in for a look or they may set down and just look my way from a greater distance , they may if they are at their boundary line lay down and look all around nervously till I leave because I'm playing a sound that is out of season . So next time I use that sound even if it is in season they have been trained with it and I may be in their area but they still won't come very well to it I end up walking back to my truck shaking my head asking why don't they come in any more ? How do I know about this because I made these mistakes but I learned from them over the years so I can tell you it is a mistake as I have made it and many more . I do enjoy being out and hunting , I much prefer to have coyote come through out the year not just at some times of the year and that is why I say to be selective with your sound selection and the time of the year that you use it . I as well prefer that I kind of am in control of the way in which they respond to my calls so as to be able to get them shot while standing rather then pray and spray at a running target but here again that's just me not you . I have killed many coyote that had their teeth worn down and one that didn't have any teeth and I know that they had been called by others and stopped responding to all the standard sounds on the e-calls these people had as well as their neighbors e-calls you too can get these coyote or make these coyote depending on your mind set and what it is that you want from your calling experiences in the field .
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Reemty J , we have discussed this before about coyote coming in slowly taking 30 - 45 minutes to show up and maybe showing up to inspect the stand where we were setting long after we left it . There are many reasons for this that we have talked about . Quite a few people will never know that this has taken place . We got winded , we were seen , we made too much noise coming to our stand , we had too much volume on our calls , the sounds weren't right for the time of the year , the sounds had been over used in the area , they have been called and missed before with this sound and many more reasons . Calling is a complex art a lot of people take the easy coyote , the one that shows it's self , and don't even know there were other coyote at the stand when they shot the first one . People get excited when they see a coyote responding to the call and they really get excited when they shoot one so it is very easy to miss seeing or knowing that there are more coyote in the area or they may still be at some distance and not in view yet . These coyote don't respond fast the next time and when coyote numbers are lower the coyote that are left tend to be more cautious to begin with . Just some of my observations yours may be different then mine . If you look at the last post of OHLONGARM's you can see how easily a coyote out past the one he took the picture of could have not been seen . It can and does happen to all of us .

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