Coyote gun opinions


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2009
Chuckey TN
Last time here I asked about reloading my deer rifle and now it's time to start thinking of another pet rifle. Providing my ex ever gives me back the money she owes me I'm wanting to start coyote hunting. Sounds like it's a lot of fun and a great reason to get a new gun. Also it's a year round sport. I'm looking for something in a 243 or 22-250 and that will be good out to ~500 (really long shot to me, more likely 350-400) and not too heavy for a lot of walking. It'll also account for a few groundhogs hopefully too.

The ones I've read about and sound okay are:
Savage Predator Hunter
Remington Model Seven Predator
Weatherby Sub-MOA Varmint

What do you think the pros and cons are of these and what one would you pick and why? I'm also open to caliber selection too, I'm leaning towards 243. I'm not worried about the hides, just dead coyotes. Any other reasonable priced rifles I should add to the list? I'd kinda like to stay in the above price range.

Thanks in advance,
Here is my new calling rifle. Remington 700 SPS Varmint 243 w/ Nikon Monarch 4x16x42sf

Thanks for the reply. I looked at one of those but wasn't sure how much of a help or hinderance the weight and barrel length would be. I'm not great at calling yet so I wanted to keep the option open to do some spot and stalk type hunting as well. Is your rig fairly mobile as far as carrying for some stalking type hunting or is it best left to being stationary?

What bullets are you shooting in your 243 and how do they shoot? I really like the idea of a 243 but was afraid I'd be the person to get one that didn't like the lighter varmint type bullets. Anything you'd like to change about your rifle?

Sorry if I'm full of questions. Just wanting to find out what's best before I put down a lot of money.

I will admitt, that is a fine looking rifle.

I just got this rifle a few weeks ago so I havent tried alot of different bullet weights yet. Right now Im shooting Hornady 75gr HP and they shot under a inch at a 100yrds yesterday with 24mph winds.

With the scope and ammunition this gun is close to 10-12 pounds, but I havent weighed it yet. I plan on cutting and crowning the barrel to make it a little more calling friendly. Its probally not the best rifle for a spot and stalk type hunting althought it wouldnt be too bad and you know you have accuracy when you pull it up to your shoulder...

I plan on getting a better stock for it as well.

Of the three rifles you listed above I would choose the Model Seven Predator and put a quality scope on it.
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If you are not going to build a rifle or maybe even if you are you need to look very close at the tikka t3. 223 22250 or 243. They will all shoot factory ammo in the 1/2 moa range. Weigh almost nothing and cost very little. I bought my 1st one in a 223 just for coyotes. I almost bought a model 7 but opted for the tikka insted b/c of the twist to shoot big bullets if I wanted. There is not a better value in a walking coyote rifle period. My 2 cents.
i have killed over 250 coyotes. my opinion is the only rifle in your list that might capable of the long shots is the weatherby moa. my first choice would be a remington with a krieger barrel; or a sendero, or a tikka varmint. shoot a group at five hundred and see. it takes a real good rifle and ammo.
I am in the same beginning stages of coyote hunting, I bought a Thomson Center I-Bolt in 22-250. It shoots better than I can , but I have gotten moa at a 100yds. I really like this rifle, It is not heavy as far as I am concerned, Don't have the weight of it, but it is a realy good looking and handling rifle.
Remember you asked for opinions!
#1 Your ex aint never gonna pay you back=get over it :rolleyes:
#2 predator or varmint in the name of a gun dont mean scwat=Its a marketing ploy.
#3 Most coyote are shot a LOT closer than 500 yards= If you cant call them closer than that your not likely to be able to hittem that far eitherlightbulb
Now that I got that outa my system:)

Savage Predator Hunter
Remington Model Seven Predator
Weatherby Sub-MOA Varmint

I'd pass on all of the ones listed for no other reason than there are better choices to be had.
If your limited on funds I'd get a Stevens, a couple cans of paint and have at it. The accutrigger on the Savage Perator is a definate minus to me for a fast action gun with gloves on, sooner or later your gonna hear a click instead of a bang.
If funds are not an issue The Tikka T3 would be a great 1st choice. Light, smooth and a clip.
The 243 would be a great choice if all you want is a dead coyote! The 55 grain Nosler would be my first choice of bullets to try as they shoot flat and hit hard enough.
Remember you asked for opinions!
#1 Your ex aint never gonna pay you back=get over it :rolleyes:
#2 predator or varmint in the name of a gun dont mean scwat=Its a marketing ploy.
#3 Most coyote are shot a LOT closer than 500 yards= If you cant call them closer than that your not likely to be able to hittem that far eitherlightbulb
Now that I got that outa my system:)

Wow...I really did get a lot of opinions on that one. lol
1. Yeah, I don't have my hopes up on that one, but I can dream can't I?
2. I picked those more on weight and barrel than the name. Was looking for something between a sporter and heavy bbl rifle. Those looked good to me. I remember looking at a remington VLSF (I think that's what it was) that I liked, but it seemed a bit too shiny. Not really wanting to paint a new rifle at the moment.
3. You are 100% right, but I can dream of shooting that far can't I? If I practice enough it may be a reality. A more realistic distance is about 200yards and in though. I'm hoping that the more I get to hunt/practice the closer they'll get to me. I'd love to take one with my bow on day.

I've never shot one of the tikka rifles. I hear they're good shooters though from what I've read. I handled one in Cabelas once and it was okay. Smooth action but it just didn't feel right when I put it too my shoulder. I'll have to look into it again though. It has been a while.

Why would the Savage go click instead of bang because of the accutrigger? I've usually only heard good things about Savages. Heck, past two times to the range they've been a Savage heavy bbl 308 to show me I put 5rnds into 0.6" with my 270 and his went 0.5", made me sick. lol

What would put the T3 above something like a Weatherby Vanguard (varmint or regular) or the Model 7? Those seem to be the ones I listed that seem to sound the most promising.

Oh, as for price. Around 1K for rifle and scope would be okay. I don't want to go much past that if possible. I'm picturing around 650ish for a rifle and 350ish for scope. Sound reasonable? I don't care to pay a bit for something that's quality and will last.

Thanks for all the opinions guys, I appreciate it.

What would put the T3 above something like a Weatherby Vanguard (varmint or regular) or the Model 7? Those seem to be the ones I listed that seem to sound the most promising.

Oh, as for price. Around 1K for rifle and scope would be okay. I don't want to go much past that if possible. I'm picturing around 650ish for a rifle and 350ish for scope. Sound reasonable? I don't care to pay a bit for something that's quality and will last.

Thanks for all the opinions guys, I appreciate it.


Not only the T3 but many others should go above the Vanguard MOA wanna be.
I have been reading where one of the top gunsmiths has been boring out the Vanguard action and sleeving it so the bolt will fit right. $$$.
Sound good to you ? :D

Currently the Savage rifles as a group shoot better than everything else. Closely followed by Remington, Winchester, Ticca, Browning and others. Every Browning A-Bolt that I have owned has shot better than I could and I have owned a few.

Or you could try something different. My DPMS stainless fluted HBAR Ar-15 shoots bugholes at 100 yds with 60 grain Hornaday's. One of my bigger buddies shoots it better than I do, Much to my embarrassment. It is a 8 pounder and he loves it for a yote gun.

The old rule holds so true around rifles and accuracy. If you spend $650 or more and get an excellent, accurate rifle you won't even remember the price next year. If you spend much less and get a tomato stake, it will haunt you. :D Been there. :D
Now I'm building a Semi custom 7mm so I can play at the 500 yd range. gun)

JM .02
I hunt coyotes (and p-dogs) with a fast-twist AR-15 in 223. IMO they are the best rifle for coyote hunting.

Don't believe me? Wait until you call in multiples... The other day I called in a double and a triple on back-to-back stands and all five of them died... that would not have happened with a bolt gun. Remember a coyote that gets away is now an educated Coyote.

I shoot 75 gr match hollow points and they are 'more-than-enough' for killing yotes. They group under 1/2 moa out of my rifle. My longest kill with my AR is a 905 yard p-dog.

Here's the rifle:


And here's the better half posing with the latest triple:


Just another option.

FYI, mine is on the heavy side with a 24" bbl at a 0.920" diameter. If I ever manage to shoot out this bbl (over 4000 rounds already) I will go with a 20" at a 0.75" diameter.
Well folks, it's been a while in the making but I finally have a 243. A reasonable price on a savage at the local gun show made it mine. Just a plain jane Savage with accutrigger and 22" sporter barrel. It will shoot though, she'll put 4rds into a ragged hole. 0.3" with 80gr bergers and H4350. Now I just need to find mr coyote...

Oh yeah, MachV...I got my check in the mail about a month ago. :)

Thanks for all the help guys.
Last time here I asked about reloading my deer rifle and now it's time to start thinking of another pet rifle. Providing my ex ever gives me back the money she owes me I'm wanting to start coyote hunting. Sounds like it's a lot of fun and a great reason to get a new gun. Also it's a year round sport. I'm looking for something in a 243 or 22-250 and that will be good out to ~500 (really long shot to me, more likely 350-400) and not too heavy for a lot of walking. It'll also account for a few groundhogs hopefully too.

The ones I've read about and sound okay are:
Savage Predator Hunter
Remington Model Seven Predator
Weatherby Sub-MOA Varmint

What do you think the pros and cons are of these and what one would you pick and why? I'm also open to caliber selection too, I'm leaning towards 243. I'm not worried about the hides, just dead coyotes. Any other reasonable priced rifles I should add to the list? I'd kinda like to stay in the above price range.

Thanks in advance,

500 yards kinda dictates high B/C bullets in a 24 cailber bore. The 105 Amax would be my choice. The caliber of choice would be the 6mm Remington by a wide margin. Otherwise I'd look for a 6BR in a Savage, and keep my shots under 450 yards using an 85grain bullet with a .40 b/c
17 Remington is one of the best fur rounds out there I would get a Remington in 223 and barrel it with a good quality barrel. You should be able to call a coyote under 100 yards but the 17 will work out to 400 if you do your part. Here is a pic of my coyote calling gun.
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