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I lived in the UP of Michigan for 15 years.....always kept a rifle by the back door first 4 years I shot 10-21 out the back door every year and the numbers kept going down until you never even saw a track at all.....I also used snares in January and February on my land and shot every one I saw the rest of the time and used traps during the season.....
After all the years of shooting and trapping I had the coyotes under control it was rare to even see a track but with shooting, trapping and snaring they were under control....
There's a new and expanding problem wolfs.....sure wish that I could control them like the coyotes.....
I've seen and shot several yotes in TN, but nothing like we encountered in south Texas. It was to the point where we would not chance a shot in the evening unless we were almost assured a DRT hit on a deer. If you could not immediately recover a deer, it would be de devoured by coyotes by them in short order. I believe they were attracted by the sound of the shot.
As if coyotes and coons aren't bad enough, I recently read that a deer attacked two small dogs in a backyard, killing one. All the critters are conniving to get us! It's the APOCALYPSE!!!
Just saw this on the internet with a coyote attacking a person and their dog.

A few years ago Samson an I were walking on an closed road due to building a Reservoir. As we were walking back home I saw two Coyotes following us. One on each side of the road about 50 yards away.. Well SAMSON (Bermeses Mountain dog about 120 lbs at the time and in his prime) did not take them following us. Samson went into attack mode and took off after the closest Coyote. Too bad for the Coyote that there was a Cattle fence about 20' off the side of the road (County Regs). Samson caught up to the Coyote within seconds because the Coyote could not get through the fence. Samson killed the Yote in about 3 seconds from grabbing him by the neck and tossing him in the air. That is what Bernese Mountain Dogs do!
Samson has been with us for just over 9 years now and is 150#s. His birthday was last month in May. He has killed 6 Coyotes that we know of and no Coyote has gotten to our Goats.
Now about 6 months our neighbor's dog was killed by several Coyotes. We wish Samson was around, but he NEVER leaves our property.
Samson is at his life expediency. Bernese Mountains Dogs only live 6-9 years. He has been really unresponsive lately and we are very saddened. On a better note we had a good friend give us a GREAT PYRENEESE puppy and she is 12 weeks old now. She will take up the Torch from Samson to Guard The HOMEFRONT!

Be aware that Coyotes are invading everywhere. If you have outside cats or dogs keep them safe. There was an article several years ago about a persons with two German Shepards. A pack of Coyotes killed both of them. YES COYOTES DO PACK HUNT!!!!
Been hunting Coyotes for a lot of years and they keep getting smarter and growing in population.
Well not a coyote, but this morning I woke up to what I thought was my 6 month black lab Nelli barking like crazy in her pen. She's not a barker as such. We live on 40 acres with a pond and have had turtles come up in the yard. When I rounded the corner of my shop, two mixed dogs with some bulldog were baying her in the pen. Both a solid 70 plus pounds. I knew they were the neighbors across the road dogs. One had a chain about a foot long broke around its neck. When they saw me that one came at me. Yelling and swinging at it, it backed off. Not turning my back as they growled and barked about 6 feet away, that same dog charged again. Screaming and swinging it backed off and they left barking. We know our dogs. I guess I should have been more prepared with a gun maybe. Wasn't a Coyote but sure had my hair standing up!!!!
Guess a visit with my neighbor to let him know about the pending doom of his dogs if I catch them back on our place.
Well not a coyote, but this morning I woke up to what I thought was my 6 month black lab Nelli barking like crazy in her pen. She's not a barker as such. We live on 40 acres with a pond and have had turtles come up in the yard. When I rounded the corner of my shop, two mixed dogs with some bulldog were baying her in the pen. Both a solid 70 plus pounds. I knew they were the neighbors across the road dogs. One had a chain about a foot long broke around its neck. When they saw me that one came at me. Yelling and swinging at it, it backed off. Not turning my back as they growled and barked about 6 feet away, that same dog charged again. Screaming and swinging it backed off and they left barking. We know our dogs. I guess I should have been more prepared with a gun maybe. Wasn't a Coyote but sure had my hair standing up!!!!
Guess a visit with my neighbor to let him know about the pending doom of his dogs if I catch them back on our place.
Years ago my then 8 year old daughter opened the door on her way out to school one morning and got cornered under the garage by a big cross- bred dog that was here in search of my female lab in the pen.
I quickly got her in safely but the dog decided to keep anyone from walking out of my house.
That was his last mistake.
I found out which neighbor owned the dog after the gunshot rang out and he began looking for his dog.
Surprisingly, he didn't blame me.
We have coyotes for sure. I also know they will pack and kill a dog. My whole reason for that post was, I should have expected something and been better prepared. Our dogs give us so many clues in there behavior. I'll be honest I haven't been that scared in many many years!!!
Aggressive dogs roaming are a real concern. Recently I was out walking my lab down a road next to my house. Three dogs approached us. Two were friendly, but one large German Shepard came in with an aggressive posture. My dog was leashed and wanting to play with the other dogs. I held him close and shouted commands to the approaching aggressive dog. After a few times of putting myself in harms way and smacking the aggressive dog with a walking stick it finally backed off. I personally would never own an aggressive dog. Too much liability.
It's hard to say how many feral dogs are out there running in packs . They tend to be more aggressive for the most part towards humans and livestock . I have seen a lot of people that don't control their dogs and let them run as well and have had the need to put several of them down for killing livestock . Personally I would rather deal with coyote then feral dogs or dogs that aren't controlled by their owners or often their owners after you have had to control their dogs for them . It's not a new thing for mankind to have to deal with others and their animals nor is it a new thing for us to have animals come into conflict with our pets or our homes , lawns and gardens or crops .
Well not a coyote, but this morning I woke up to what I thought was my 6 month black lab Nelli barking like crazy in her pen. She's not a barker as such. We live on 40 acres with a pond and have had turtles come up in the yard. When I rounded the corner of my shop, two mixed dogs with some bulldog were baying her in the pen. Both a solid 70 plus pounds. I knew they were the neighbors across the road dogs. One had a chain about a foot long broke around its neck. When they saw me that one came at me. Yelling and swinging at it, it backed off. Not turning my back as they growled and barked about 6 feet away, that same dog charged again. Screaming and swinging it backed off and they left barking. We know our dogs. I guess I should have been more prepared with a gun maybe. Wasn't a Coyote but sure had my hair standing up!!!!
Guess a visit with my neighbor to let him know about the pending doom of his dogs if I catch them back on our place.
Had a problem with my neighbor's for several years. Finally told him to either put a fence up to keep his dog or his dog won't return home the next time. He said he has a shock collar but the dog breaks through the shocks. Very crazy do to be shocked at the highest power and still continue. Wait two weeks and still no fence. I ended up putting up a Livestock fence with "T" posts. and put our goats there. Since I own the property right up to his driveway/garage/Deck and Fire Pit and he would not put a fence up, they now have goats living right next to them.
I have a couple of friends that live close to each other . One didn't keep his dog at home very well and it would go over to the others house and make a mess . She ask him several times to keep it home before she saved her bacon grease for quit awhile then fed it to the dog it then went home and made a mess of his home inside with the resulting diarrhea . Well you didn't do your part with your animal was what I told him when he said something about it to me at least you have the chance to correct your actions still as he isn't dead .
The Coyote thing is scary. There is nothing worse that an animal attack and getting bitten or clawed. I had the misfortune to be bitten and clawed by a cat that was over 20# -can't even imagine 150# Mountain Lion. Also been bitten by several dogs. The worst was this morning by my beloved Bernese Mountain Dog - Samson. And he did it by accident. Samson is a protector for our family and has been with me 24/7 for his nine years. He hasn't been well the past weeks and thought we were going to lose him. The past several days he was doing very well and when I was going through is 6" thick coat I found a "HOT SPOT" the size of my hand under all that fur. I proceeded to cut away his coat to expose the Hot Spot to treat. I was in the process of putting him in the shower to wash his skin with an Anti Bacterial soap. Well I touched him in the wrong way -MY FAULT and he "Nipped" me. Very fast and very short. He ran and tried to get under the bed because he know something was wrong. I ended up in the ER. While I was wrapping my hand to travel to the ER - Samson was at feet rubbing against my hips because he sensed he did something. Could not imagine what he would do if he meant it and some was trying to hurt Jill or I.
Now I have seen Samson rip a Coyote's head almost clean off with one bite and twist. If Samson wanted to he could have taken my arm clen off. Can't imagine being attached by a pack of Coyotes or wild dogs. Worst pain is when being bitten and teeth sink into your skin. muscle and bones.
A friend of mine's ,that I worked with for years, sister was attacked and killed by feral dogs over on the pine ridge in South Dakota a couple of years ago . They have since thinned out the population of feral dogs there . Here where I live when anyone is bitten by any dog and they have to go to the ER depending on where it took place , the city police or sheriffs department has to be called and an investigation done as to the cause then a report filed . Even if it was your dog they have to report it and verify that it's rabies vaccinations are up to date . If it was your dog and it did bite for a reason like it being injured or in pain for some reason they don't do more then fill out the report and verify it's vaccinations . If it wasn't your dog or it's shots aren't current it goes into quarantine for two weeks and the owner pays for it's care if they can be located other wise if no owner can be located it's head is sent to the state lab for rabies testing . The county that I live in and the one to the north of us has the highest rabies rates in the state according to the rabies study done by USDA Wildlife Services a few years ago . I was fortunate enough to be able to be a part of that study and it was interesting . We live trapped skunks put them down without damaging their heads ,then sent the heads in to be tested .
A friend of mine's ,that I worked with for years, sister was attacked and killed by feral dogs over on the pine ridge in South Dakota a couple of years ago . They have since thinned out the population of feral dogs there . Here where I live when anyone is bitten by any dog and they have to go to the ER depending on where it took place , the city police or sheriffs department has to be called and an investigation done as to the cause then a report filed . Even if it was your dog they have to report it and verify that it's rabies vaccinations are up to date . If it was your dog and it did bite for a reason like it being injured or in pain for some reason they don't do more then fill out the report and verify it's vaccinations . If it wasn't your dog or it's shots aren't current it goes into quarantine for two weeks and the owner pays for it's care if they can be located other wise if no owner can be located it's head is sent to the state lab for rabies testing . The county that I live in and the one to the north of us has the highest rabies rates in the state according to the rabies study done by USDA Wildlife Services a few years ago . I was fortunate enough to be able to be a part of that study and it was interesting . We live trapped skunks put them down without damaging their heads ,then sent the heads in to be tested .
GA is very strict. Samson just nipped me and since i went to the ER for Antibiotics Samson is now in JAIL (home) for 10 days. The Animal control is coming to inspect him and our home within 5 days. Will never go the DR and say I got Bit. Will say that I fell on some nails.
Government CONTROL at it's BEST. Do you know that the GAME Wardens DNR and Animal Control can come to your home without a Search Warrant!!!! If you don't comply they can and will arrest you.
The funny or not so funny part of this is the state it happened in is making it harder if not impossible to hunt them with hounds and trap. I have been running coyote hounds in VT for 27 years. I also own a house in SC where they encourage you to shoot them. They even tag some and if you shoot a tagged one you get a free lifetime license. Just goes to shoe the mentality in different areas of the country.
