Covid still has some people terrified

I've never required the masses to have my courage, but for some reason the fearful all required me to have their fear.

For a culture that wholesale believes in evolution we certainly don't embrace its logical cultural conclusion.

It's not science it's organized religion, has holy figures and sacraments as well as orthodoxy and methods to anathamatize heretics. Science would have at best allowed the great Barrington declaration signers idea to be tested at worse it would have described it as "interesting". But they deplatformed any dissent, contrary to the flow of science prior to 2020. It's not just fear based secular religion.
Maybe not. Science that is based upon technological, engineering, epidemiological fact is what I work off. I did work in 20+ countries and this science worked there.
Well then I was wrong, we do see eye to eye. I've got 30 years at the bench and in the hospital so I too feel confident that I'm okay picking these horses.
Not sure if this is humorous or not--- but this guy was In a hospital waiting room yesterday.

Covid still has some people terrified--- he had disinfectant spray and cleaning wipes he used before he sat down on the bench.
I'll give him this, he is doing all he can to hide from bugs. Besides staying home. Might be immune compromised. Or have health issues that warrent being exceedingly careful. What ever he does, it's no cost to me. If that's what he feels he needs, then so be it. It's not me.
Couldn't resist🤣🤣
My sweet mother-in-law, who was never seriously ill earlier in her life, now suffers from congestive heart failure in her 80's. She's not fearful, but she does avoid unnecessary contacts with people, and does use a mask in public. I don't think she would survive what might be an 'ordinary' bout of Covid for others.
My sweet mother-in-law, who was never seriously ill earlier in her life, now suffers from congestive heart failure in her 80's. She's not fearful, but she does avoid unnecessary contacts with people, and does use a mask in public. I don't think she would survive what might be an 'ordinary' bout of Covid for others.
Hope she stays healthy!
My father died from covid. My co-worker had it and only knew she had it cause she had to take a test for a convention, came up positive, and took two more to confirm. Friends of mine got covid over Thanksgiving. She was mildly sick for a couple days, while he was sicker than a dog for almost two weeks and still has lingering symptoms.
The way it affects people is a complete crap shoot.
Every year on Christmas Eve we celebrate the "Feast of Seven Fishes". It is our family's largest get-together. Last year my 2 year old grandson was exposed to Covid in his daycare class, but it wasn't immediately known. We only found out on Christmas Eve morning. Within a couple of days, the entire family came down with Covid. I was the only one who had no symptoms, but a PCR test had positive results. It was a very rough holiday with virtually everyone sick at the same time. This year, the flu has been getting around and 2 of my grandsons had RSV, one was hospitalized for 5 days.

My wife is preparing tonight's feast as I type away. All we really want is for everyone to remain safe and stay healthy. The usual Christmas excitement could easily be overshadowed by another bout of sickness. Since all of the current illnesses are highly contagious, it pays to be cautious.

It's funny, but when I was young, I remember the older folks always saying, "if you have your health, you've got everything". I never paid much attention to that stuff then, but I sure understand that wisdom now.

Stay healthy everyone and have a joyous Christmas.