Cooling my heels on reloading for a bit...

My supply is in good shape but I decided to develop a load for a 6.5cm with components that I normally don't use just to plink steel for fun during times like these. Instead of using up H4350 and 210m primers I tried some old IMR 4350 and Winchester WLMR primers that are older than I am. Believe it or not, the load ended up being better than my proven load, lol. 10 shot group at .650" with an SD of 3! I have noticed a few powders showing up in stores here and there, but this primer/powder shortage could last awhile....
19 Badger I've found that IMR 4350 & WLR is also a great 30.06 recipe for 165 gr Nosler Partitions.
On the contrary YZ, I was lucky to find lots of new to me powders in the last few weeks to try out on all my 7's so it's been lots of load development and shooting. It's an excuse to get our as well.

I also plan on keeping an eye out for more powder and primers and get them as they become available so I can keep a good amount of components in stock.

Stay safe
"Get our"?? Did you mean out or arse?
Every election lately we go through the same scare with everyone buying everything in sight, then after the election people cool down and ammo and reloading supplies begin to restock. Its the American way.
Yes, but this election could have dire, socialistic consequences.
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In So.Cal the forest service has shut down access to all NFS land which includes access to our range. So have load development ammo waiting three weeks and counting to test. Am saving a lot of 22LR and 45ACP since we only have two indoor ranges within 30 miles and those are by appointment due to Covid 19. Sigh.
I know...move. But I am 81 years and counting.
Sell your place and move to Idaho. You will be asking yourself why you didn't move earlier.
My supply is in good shape but I decided to develop a load for a 6.5cm with components that I normally don't use just to plink steel for fun during times like these. Instead of using up H4350 and 210m primers I tried some old IMR 4350 and Winchester WLMR primers that are older than I am. Believe it or not, the load ended up being better than my proven load, lol. 10 shot group at .650" with an SD of 3! I have noticed a few powders showing up in stores here and there, but this primer/powder shortage could last awhile....
It's interesting what can happen. I loaded a new load since I can't find Retumbo or 175 Elite Hunters anywhere with some Re25 and 175 ELD-X's on Saturday, jumped them from .010 to .100 in 10 thou increments and got this group at 70 thou off. This is in my Christensen 7mm Rem Mag running 67 grains pushing them out at 3040fps. Now I have to see if it repeats.


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In So.Cal the forest service has shut down access to all NFS land which includes access to our range. So have load development ammo waiting three weeks and counting to test. Am saving a lot of 22LR and 45ACP since we only have two indoor ranges within 30 miles and those are by appointment due to Covid 19. Sigh.
I know...move. But I am 81 years and counting.
I left Oxnard in 1964 to Oregon now getting ready to sell and move to Tenn at 78yrs
Every election lately we go through the same scare with everyone buying everything in sight, then after the election people cool down and ammo and reloading supplies begin to restock. Its the American way.
Only if we win if they win this will not end because they will be coming for our guns. They have said they are coming for our guns and you have to believe them.
Shooting my rifles and handguns less because I am preparing for bow hunting by working on treestands shooting the bow. When I am done hunting hopefully I can get the components I need that is when I do most of my reloading.
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