I have a Savage model 25 having issues with first round fliers. First shot from every group will hit about the same place. Every shot after the first one goes low right and will group about MOA with shots 2-5 or however many I decide to shoot. I can let the gun set for 15 minutes, shoot another group and it does the same exact thing again. It's a 17 hornet with around 800 rounds down the pipe, it use to shoot 5 shoot groups 3/4 moa consistently. I've cleaned the barrel really good since the issues started, thinking it was just dirty but that didn't help. I've checked the rings, mounts, and stock torque. I bedded the action and that didn't help. My bore scope won't fit in the 17 cal barrel so I can't check it out.
Picture is of two groups shot about 20 minutes apart.
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