Colt Sauer Sporting Rifle?

Own one and have for 20 years, my main hunting rifle, reloded for it, 165 Gr Hornady btsp, over 1000 rounds through it, all most 2000 rounds in fact, No problems, gun has a softer felt recoil then my Girlfriends Rem 700 30 06, in fact she called me one day while I was at work said she stole it and killed her deer with it, wanted me to come help her drag it up hill, asked her why she used my gun, she said because it doesn't kick as hard, I stll wonder why, at this point I am looking for a gunsmith around Greeley Co to rebarle it with a 5R barrel, they seem hard to find gun smith that is that will work on it, if you know of one let me know. after sighting in the scope on it with my reloads shot 3 rounds with gun sand bagged in and at 200 yards covered the bullet group with a dime, now its up to about a quarter-sized group,