Colorado wolves being relocated.

Lately, I've had an epiphany. I now believe that it was done as part of a larger plan to control our food supply.

That is exactly what I believe as well with the farmland being bought up by billionaires and giant corporations this is just a way to control the population

They did the same thing to the "native Americans". Now we are the native Americans!!!!!!!!!. Talk about slavery!!! When someone other than you has control of your food supply guess who's a slave?????
Lots of information out there that this is the long term plan.
Self reliance for food is almost unheard of nowadays and they need to be sure that anyone that is self reliant has very limited resources.
And here I thought I was the only one on here wearing a tinfoil hat!
The people that the wolves would have an effect on, and the sensible ones, did see it coming but we are out numbered by a bunch of total idiots. We got out voted.
Now we are going to get wolverines. I'm not too worried about them having a great big effect on things but how much is this going to cost???? The once wonderful state of Colorado is becoming a S--- h--e.
Just like Mexilfornia. I had a friend believing that Montana was putting up check points at all roads that leed into Montana. Each had a gun range. Standard question was: How many firarms are you bring in. If 15, then proceed, Less than 5 go to the range and see if you can shoot straight. None go back to Mexilfornia.
I'm not big on the idea of the middle S . I'm for L. 😉
Good point…'s difficult to dig in most places up here, and a shovel is "unnecessary" weight and bulk to carry when hunting! 😉 memtb
I think there was a reason some folks placed the dead on platforms. Especially in winter frozen ground.

Its the third S that is problematic for most folks.
Lots of information out there that this is the long term plan.
Self reliance for food is almost unheard of nowadays and they need to be sure that anyone that is self reliant has very limited resources.
And here I thought I was the only one on here wearing a tinfoil hat!
I agree with 338 Dude: you are definitely not alone.