I always love when people seem eager to jump on leftover tags. Mostly tags are leftover because the people who had them the year before do not want them again. If the hunt had been great the tags wouldn't be leftover. When you see a unit with 500 leftover tags do not be surprised when you and your 499 buddies show up to hunt the same drainage. I see this type of thing happen often, just don't want you to have a bad experience. I can't speak to WY. but put in for 1st or 4th season tags here in CO. You have a great chance of drawing your first year in a lot of units. Decide what units you want to hunt. Maybe the years you don't draw come during an over the counter season just for the experience. 1st season will have fewer hunters and the elk can be more calm and can still be bugling (at least until the first gunshot). 4th season, if there is snow, it is easier to predict where the elk are. When researching an area spend time on google earth looking at it, if you are seeing large areas of dead trees, this is beetle kill and is brutal to hunt in. The elk will also avoid as much of this as possible but they will not abandon the area completely. It is something to think about when you shoot an elk in it, you better take a chain saw or a helicopter