Classified, What does ( I'll Take It Mean )


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2019
W. Montana
I had posted : I'll Take IT " on a classified item on Long Range. I sent a PM' to the seller. He asked me if I could pay by electronic payment. I said I could not. I would send a USPS money order, or personal check. Which ever he preferred. Some time later he sent a PM back to me saying he had sold to some one else thru an electronic payment. That some else never posted a " Ill take it: on the listing. How does this strike you.
Strikes me as perfectly within his rights. He was not prepared to wait a week or more for you to mail him money, which may or may not ever show up. On top of that you offered a USPS money order which is easy to forge or a personal cheque that he has to wait to clear to ensure funds are good and which can be reversed for up to 6 months. Why would he want to do that when he had a buyer with cash in hand who would pay him immediately in confirmed funds.