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What does DRT mean?

I don't follow the acronyms... LOL

I like using lots of... Since there free,,, and the same for lots of other symbols !!!

I find that its easier for my pumpkin to find the breaks in my sentences,,, slow brain syndrome I guess...

My favs are

PJ Punch-Junk,,, hopefully this is what the boolit does when it crashes into the Wrapper,,, that's the hide that holds the furry critters together... Ha

I'm OS,,, Old School,,, LTJ,,, Lord Thundering Jebediah,,, or was that AGaC,,, Ain't Got a Clue... LOL...

The world is moving pretty fast,,, lots of different ways for the masses to change up the human language,,, I'll never catch onto all of it,,, but its """nice / awesome"""" to see all the different techniques being used...

Individuality at its finest,,, human resources being used to express things in a different light...

Good times fore sure...

Cheers from the frozen North as I HOTDFSD,,, Head out the door for some smack down...
I agree with the definition of "Dead Right There". In actual practice, I will rarely move to approach a downed animal whether it "appeared" to be truly dead before it hit the ground, or not. I almost always will wait a period of time before moving from my position, rifle ready. It's the dead ones that can get away(or get you). For this reason, I may not know for sure exactly when the animal was clinically dead, but if it was dead when I got to him, and hadn't moved from it's position when it hit the ground, I considered it DRT.
Remember, an acronym has to be pronounceable: USN loved them
FUBAR: Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition and PLAT: Pilot Landing Aid Television are good examples: there are hundreds. At the Shrine Hospital, we have the COW: Computer On Wheels. Then there is the BAR: Browning Automatic Rifle or the SAW: Squad Automatic Weapon. It is a rainy day and I have time...
Because I have bang flopped a few animals but the hits are spine, head,or pin the front shoulder shots and in the case of the spine or shoulder shots not by definition DRT.
"dead" right there. DRT. The meaning is in the first word. As-in, can't take another step because........wait for it......It's DEAD....=DRT. What you have experienced is BF.
"BANG FLOP" good shoot'n but not DRT. Hopefully this was helpful.
DRT Drug Replacement Therapy
DRT Debt Recovery Tribunal (India)
DRT Del Rio, Texas (border patrol sector)
DRT Del Rio (Amtrak station code; Del Rio, TX)
DRT Dining Room Table
DRT Daughters of the Republic of Texas
DRT Department of Revenue and Taxation (various locations)
DRT Disaster Response Team
DRT Demand Responsive Transport (public transportation)
DRT Dead Right There
DRT Direction de la Recherche Technologique (French)
DRT Design Recovery Tool
DRT Data Relay Transponder
DRT Distributed Real Time
DRT Document Related Technologies
DRT Development Research and Training (various locations)
DRT Diplôme de Recherche Technologique (French)
DRT Distributed Ray Tracing (computer graphics)
DRT Detection-Response Task
DRT Durham Region Transit (Canada)
DRT Direction des Relations du Travail (French: Labor Relations Division)
DRT Dead Reckoning Tracer
DRT Do the Right Thing
DRT Design Review Team
DRT Discourse Representation Theory (linguistics)
DRT Domain Research Tool (software)
DRT Decision Response Time
DRT Diagnostic Rhyme Test
DRT Defect Review Tool
DRT Del Rio, TX, USA (Airport Code)
DRT Disruptive Retail Thinking (marketing; Chicago, IL)
DRT Drift Race Team
DRT Deep Reconnaissance Team
DRT Dynamic Racing Team (France)
DRT Debt Resolution Team (UK)
DRT Dépannages Réparation Transport (French transportation repair company)
DRT Disregard Tape (order instruction that can be given to a broker)
DRT Dérivés Résiniques & Terpéniques (French: Terpene & Resinic Derivatives)
DRT Dwarven Ringmail Tunic (Everquest reference)
DRT Developer Regression Test
DRT Diversion Recovery Tool (FAA)
DRT Disaster Recovery Terminal
DRT Dutchess Rail Trail (New York)
DRT Dilation Reflection Translation (mathmatics)
DRT Domestic Return Time (curfew)
DRT Derosa Research and Trading, Inc.
DRT Data Relay Terminal
DRT Dose, Rate, Length Time of Exposure (radiation)
DRT Diode Recovery Tester
DRT Detected Replies Table
DRT Dive Rescue Team
DRT Division Reconnaissance Team
DRT Discharge Retention Tank
DRT Distortion-Rate Tradeoff
DRT Disposition, Reflection, Triad (band Tool's songs)
DRT Distance equals Rate multiplied by Time
DRT Dome Roof Tank (oil storage)
to me DRT (dead right there) should mean the animal did not run at all AND expired fast right there. So for example, I had a deer I shot with a bow. Clean double lung. The deer, didn't move...not one step. It stood there for about 5 seconds and then fell over, kicked for another 10 seconds and died. To me, that is DRT. So with a gun, same thing. Deer shot, falls over and dies in a reasonable amount of time. I do not count a spine or shoulder shot which requires a follow-up shot or knife to dispatch an animal as dead right there and I don't count a deer that ran 5 yards and died as DRT either. Just my two cents.
DRT Drug Replacement Therapy
DRT Debt Recovery Tribunal (India)
DRT Del Rio, Texas (border patrol sector)
DRT Del Rio (Amtrak station code; Del Rio, TX)
DRT Dining Room Table
DRT Daughters of the Republic of Texas
DRT Department of Revenue and Taxation (various locations)
DRT Disaster Response Team
DRT Demand Responsive Transport (public transportation)
DRT Dead Right There
DRT Direction de la Recherche Technologique (French)
DRT Design Recovery Tool
DRT Data Relay Transponder
DRT Distributed Real Time
DRT Document Related Technologies
DRT Development Research and Training (various locations)
DRT Diplôme de Recherche Technologique (French)
DRT Distributed Ray Tracing (computer graphics)
DRT Detection-Response Task
DRT Durham Region Transit (Canada)
DRT Direction des Relations du Travail (French: Labor Relations Division)
DRT Dead Reckoning Tracer
DRT Do the Right Thing
DRT Design Review Team
DRT Discourse Representation Theory (linguistics)
DRT Domain Research Tool (software)
DRT Decision Response Time
DRT Diagnostic Rhyme Test
DRT Defect Review Tool
DRT Del Rio, TX, USA (Airport Code)
DRT Disruptive Retail Thinking (marketing; Chicago, IL)
DRT Drift Race Team
DRT Deep Reconnaissance Team
DRT Dynamic Racing Team (France)
DRT Debt Resolution Team (UK)
DRT Dépannages Réparation Transport (French transportation repair company)
DRT Disregard Tape (order instruction that can be given to a broker)
DRT Dérivés Résiniques & Terpéniques (French: Terpene & Resinic Derivatives)
DRT Dwarven Ringmail Tunic (Everquest reference)
DRT Developer Regression Test
DRT Diversion Recovery Tool (FAA)
DRT Disaster Recovery Terminal
DRT Dutchess Rail Trail (New York)
DRT Dilation Reflection Translation (mathmatics)
DRT Domestic Return Time (curfew)
DRT Derosa Research and Trading, Inc.
DRT Data Relay Terminal
DRT Dose, Rate, Length Time of Exposure (radiation)
DRT Diode Recovery Tester
DRT Detected Replies Table
DRT Dive Rescue Team
DRT Division Reconnaissance Team
DRT Discharge Retention Tank
DRT Distortion-Rate Tradeoff
DRT Disposition, Reflection, Triad (band Tool's songs)
DRT Distance equals Rate multiplied by Time
DRT Dome Roof Tank (oil storage)
or this way creative acronym
DIRT DIe Right There
DRT Drug Replacement Therapy
DRT Debt Recovery Tribunal (India)
DRT Del Rio, Texas (border patrol sector)
DRT Del Rio (Amtrak station code; Del Rio, TX)
DRT Dining Room Table
DRT Daughters of the Republic of Texas
DRT Department of Revenue and Taxation (various locations)
DRT Disaster Response Team
DRT Demand Responsive Transport (public transportation)
DRT Dead Right There
DRT Direction de la Recherche Technologique (French)
DRT Design Recovery Tool
DRT Data Relay Transponder
DRT Distributed Real Time
DRT Document Related Technologies
DRT Development Research and Training (various locations)
DRT Diplôme de Recherche Technologique (French)
DRT Distributed Ray Tracing (computer graphics)
DRT Detection-Response Task
DRT Durham Region Transit (Canada)
DRT Direction des Relations du Travail (French: Labor Relations Division)
DRT Dead Reckoning Tracer
DRT Do the Right Thing
DRT Design Review Team
DRT Discourse Representation Theory (linguistics)
DRT Domain Research Tool (software)
DRT Decision Response Time
DRT Diagnostic Rhyme Test
DRT Defect Review Tool
DRT Del Rio, TX, USA (Airport Code)
DRT Disruptive Retail Thinking (marketing; Chicago, IL)
DRT Drift Race Team
DRT Deep Reconnaissance Team
DRT Dynamic Racing Team (France)
DRT Debt Resolution Team (UK)
DRT Dépannages Réparation Transport (French transportation repair company)
DRT Disregard Tape (order instruction that can be given to a broker)
DRT Dérivés Résiniques & Terpéniques (French: Terpene & Resinic Derivatives)
DRT Dwarven Ringmail Tunic (Everquest reference)
DRT Developer Regression Test
DRT Diversion Recovery Tool (FAA)
DRT Disaster Recovery Terminal
DRT Dutchess Rail Trail (New York)
DRT Dilation Reflection Translation (mathmatics)
DRT Domestic Return Time (curfew)
DRT Derosa Research and Trading, Inc.
DRT Data Relay Terminal
DRT Dose, Rate, Length Time of Exposure (radiation)
DRT Diode Recovery Tester
DRT Detected Replies Table
DRT Dive Rescue Team
DRT Division Reconnaissance Team
DRT Discharge Retention Tank
DRT Distortion-Rate Tradeoff
DRT Disposition, Reflection, Triad (band Tool's songs)
DRT Distance equals Rate multiplied by Time
DRT Dome Roof Tank (oil storage)

Good job troop! That is why we always spell out an acronym the first time we use it. That way it is easily translated and understood.
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