Clark Youth Shooting Camp

They say the measure of success is in the results..... well we had several of the boys take thier first deer and /or buck this year. Ranges varied from 20 - 385 yards. Four boys had to shoot more than once; three where at running dear and one of those the boy connected with both shots. The forth miss was at an antelope at approx. 425 yards. The young man rushed the shot, saying he was in a poor shooting position. He was able to set up again on the same buck and connected at 385.gun)

But even more importantly I heard more than one story of the boys outshooting dad...:D

Once I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will show off some of the boys critters.

In early Feb. I will start working on hunting down volenteers and sponsors for this summer.

We are kicking off this summer's camp Monday of next week. I have another 20 kids,most are returning students but I did pick up several new ones as well. I am really excited about this year as I think it will be even better than last year. The local sponsors really stepped it up this year!! We got GREAT ammo prices, to shoot at LOTS of steel targets on the 1/2 mile by 2 mile range! And as last year I have lots of dads asking when it is gonna be thier turn.:)

I made some changes this year: Streamlined the actually classroom portions meaning more time on the range. I up the 22 round count to 400 rounds per shooter to drive home the fundamentals before shooting thier hunting rifles.

I also included half a day of shotgun with each shooter banging away 75 rounds at clay targets throw from electric throwers.

And most importantly we moved the range to allow us to place our 20 plus steel targets (steel discs off a disc plow) every 100 yards from 300 - 800 and I also have one at 1000 and 1200 yards!!

I just hope the weather cooperates with us again this year.
Howdy Chuck!! I hope you and the kids are doing well. I just sent it to Len at the begining of this week. So I imagine it will be out next month. :D It went extremely well other than the heat. The boys really shot well this year. I had a few that connected at 1000 yardsgun)

Remember my offer still stands if you and the boy can make it out for a day or three. I still have the range all set up! So just give me a call.
I am currently "out of town" but will be back mid-summer and am planning to run my first girls only camp. I am looking at taking 3 or 4 days. Roughly 300 at rounds of 22, 200rds rifle and 60 rounds shotgun. Ages starting at 10 up to 17.

SO if you have a young lady who would be interested please let me know.lightbulblightbulb

Also, if you know some shooting games the kiddos would like please forward them on.
Also, if you know some shooting games the kiddos would like please forward them on.

Kids like these targets.


They also like the tannerite targets. Well who doesn't like stuff that explodes when you shoot it?:D
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