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I like to shoot all rounds through a chronograph when at the range. Especially when changing any component in a load. After the cost and work buying new stocks, Glass bedding and getting perfect floating barrel. Don't want to tie a chronograph to the barrel.
The first time I saw a rifle shot through a chronograph was about 1994. At a range a fellow member had just bought a Chrony. He asked if we wanted to shoot through it. My brother was having trouble with a shot going about 6" low right at 100 yds. When he shot through the chronograph we saw the problem. A bad lot of primers was the problem. about I out of 7 loads would drop right at 200 fps. What an eye opener.
I use both the Magneto speed and an optical. To me both have advantages and disadvantages as mentioned through out this thread.

I have a permanent "chrony" box mount 15 feet from my bench. 100 yard target perfect alignment with bench, Chrony and target. 10 seconds set-up time. Everything at 100 yards through the chrony.
My magneto speed sporter is used only a few shots at beginning of each session to "calibrate" the chrony. Adjustments are made to Chrony readings accordingly for the rest of the session. Obviously light conditions must be consistent for using the "adjusted" readings.

My magneto speed does affect my POI on the sporter barrels I shoot. It seems to always shoot high.
The magneto speed always stays in place with the extra rubber spacer on top of the barrel under the strap.
The magneto speed is super consistent as far as repeatability. SDs seem to be lower because of this consistency.

Chrony is only accurate plus or minus 1%-2% (30-60 fps @ 3000fps). Light conditions must remain constant for repeatable results.

I will continue to use both but the magneto speed still comes off after the first 5-10 shots with each load in a range session. Magneto speed back on to verify final velocities.
Pro-Tip for the magnetospeed users, grab a can of upholstery adhesive or a little ruubber cement and put that on the rubber pad on the bayo before attaching to the rifle. It keeps the bayo from walking forward (especially on tapered barrels) and from rotating. Solves the sometimes inconsistent harmonics issue.
When I said magneto speed comes "off" after 5-10 shots, I meant that i take it off.
It never walks or moves when using the second rubber spacer under the strap. All my barrels are tapered and no issue with the bayonet moving even after 20 shots. This might not work all calibers I've only used it with 06 calibers on down.
i went with the magneto speed also v3 .. it just lines up with my normal loading methods anyways -- swell you brass to match chamber and find velocity plateau on the first loading, your charging powder in the middle of that plateau for the second loading working on accuracy and seating , at that point you dont need to record velocity, you would just follow up later with a couple shot to verify you stayed in the zone , then off to drops

but, you cant shoot your bayo on the radar , youd be happy with either
It's logical the shots go higher with the magneto. It's like a muzzle brake with the sides and top cut away. Those pressures dissipate, but the pressure on the bottom can't so it pushes the bullet up.
I don't think you'll be sorry. Had mine a few yrs and I like it.
It's fairly easy on batteries just keep a spare in the box.
Yes, keep an extra "name brand" battery with your kit. Using it in freezing weather, the battery drain is increased more than in warmer weather also, If using it on larger profile barrels, the sensitivity has to be increased to work correctly which will also use more battery. The Magneto Speed does give battery voltage readout, so shouldn't be caught off guard on battery voltage.
Another vote for Lab Radar if you have the bucks. If you want cheap and gets the job done, still nothing wrong with the $100 Chrony brand. Used them for years. Accuracy is relative, as long as it reads shots consistently that is what you care about and the Chrony does that. Tested quite a few against a Lab Radar, none were off by more than 10 FPS, which is irrelevant, even at long distance.
Another vote for Lab Radar if you have the bucks. If you want cheap and gets the job done, still nothing wrong with the $100 Chrony brand. Used them for years. Accuracy is relative, as long as it reads shots consistently that is what you care about and the Chrony does that. Tested quite a few against a Lab Radar, none were off by more than 10 FPS, which is irrelevant, even at long distance.
You sure about that? I used the Alpha with OK results, most of the time, on a sunny day in Colorado. Traded that in for the Beta (the Alpha was actually better) it was alright, for what it was years ago, when the only best option was an Oehler 35P, which at the time was NOT in the budget, and I did get to shoot over one! If you were fortunate to get a 10 shot string with a Shooting Chrony, you were doing phenomenal and should go get a Power Ball ticket immediately!
Jump forward to now, we now have the Magneto Speed V3 and Sporter and the LabRadar which I'l be giving a go soon.

PS; I still have my Beta, somewhere, you want it, it's yours!
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