CDS MOA help please?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Choteau, MT
I have 2 CDS scopes and hada turret made for one a while back. I just got the second scope (vx-3 4.5-14x40) a month ago. I'm going to send in for the custom etched turret for this one but I'm thinking that it won't be back in time for hunting season. So....if I run my info through a ballistics program and it says for example, 15 MOA at xxx yards. Does that mean I just turn my dial 15 clicks to be dead on at that range? Sorry if this is a dumb question but wanted to make sure it works the same as what I'm thinking
First off......never trust the program until you have verified it at the range. Second.....your scope is .25 moa per click so 15 moa is 60 clicks. Other than those two issues you are correct in theory but should double check your drops at a couple variable distances before you trust it hunting.
First off......never trust the program until you have verified it at the range. Second.....your scope is .25 moa per click so 15 moa is 60 clicks. Other than those two issues you are correct in theory but should double check your drops at a couple variable distances before you trust it hunting.

Thank you. I would verify drops but was t sure on number of clicks
They always sent me a plain moa dial w/scope.Just run that dial,or have them send one
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