CCP Baloon over the US

Seriously, it becomes a story when over Montana? The Governor of Montana was never notified until it was hundreds of miles into MT. The flight path across Alaska and Canada over highly populated caribou migration must be reason it wasn't shot down? Wide open spaces in winter low risk to environment? More concerning is if was detected or not?

If we sent a balloon over China, it would be shot down LONG BEFORE it entered over their land LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE DONE!

The balloon went over central Alaska. Did we NOT know it was over the US? (BTW Alaska is still part of the US. ) We had PLENTY of time to shoot it down over 2,000 miles of absolutely nothing! Well maybe a caribou or two.

Why didn't CANADA shoot it down? Is this telling us how poor our detection capability is? Heck, NORAD does a better job tracking Santa's sleigh!

This is no doubt a psychological probe to provide military insight on our country's leadership's.

I am truly concerned over what's next.
It was known it was coming this way when it was over the ocean don't you understand China is the New World boss! no one is going to complain to the boss!
I feel all of these foreign governments know where we're going with this they are just easing us into it. I believe it's already done!
Satellites have altitudes ranging from somewhat under 100 miles to somewhat over 1000 miles. The Chinese balloon has an altitude of 60.000 ft or about 11 miles. A real threat for all sorts of surveillance, like detailed pics, and infra-red (heat). The balloon passed over our nuke sites in Montana. Probably able to read license plates on pickup trucks or view small details on ground and listen in to local communications. Better stuff than Tic Tok.

As the helium gradually works its way thru the bag & everything sinks some farmer in N Carolina might bring it down with his .30-06. Best hope is a blast of lightning a 30 thou ft would do what Joe Biden won't do.
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WH says we'll just wait and see. Maybe after they get the surveillance of our military bases we'll try to shoot it. It should have been taken down in the Pacific. Maybe it's got a rainbow painted on it so they won't shoot it.
Totally unacceptable from both sides!
👍🏼🇺🇲❤️ It's probably spread new Covid 20. Biden received too much money from China to shoot it down . Might hurt his bank account.
Seriously, it becomes a story when over Montana? The Governor of Montana was never notified until it was hundreds of miles into MT. The flight path across Alaska and Canada over highly populated caribou migration must be reason it wasn't shot down? Wide open spaces in winter low risk to environment? More concerning is if was detected or not?

If we sent a balloon over China, it would be shot down LONG BEFORE it entered over their land LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE DONE!

The balloon went over central Alaska. Did we NOT know it was over the US? (BTW Alaska is still part of the US. ) We had PLENTY of time to shoot it down over 2,000 miles of absolutely nothing! Well maybe a caribou or two.

Why didn't CANADA shoot it down? Is this telling us how poor our detection capability is? Heck, NORAD does a better job tracking Santa's sleigh!

This is no doubt a psychological probe to provide military insight on our country's leadership's.

I am truly concerned over what's next.
WWTD (What would Trump Do) and that's what we should do...
👍🏼🇺🇲 I had to do it 😉
Pretty sure that dirigible is their version of the O-1 Bird Dog. MT boys watching the over Armageddon stash, might not wanna tip off the live feed of where the battery of 88's are deployed. Might be time, give Lockheed Martin the orders. Hey fellas we'D like to start burning kerosene in that SR-72 ,ASAP.
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The saddest part for America is that this even a question. There are an awful lot of politicians on the ccp payroll worldwide. It is epidemic in USA, unfortunately. After years of the ridiculous Trump/Russia hysteria, we now know it's the Dems and China, China, China. The Clintons first figured this out in the 90's. Remember when they actually gave the F15 and F16 plans to the Chinese for 'free'?

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