Carbon ring removal


Active Member
Feb 5, 2013
I have been toying with the idea of making a carbon ring "cutter" by using a brass rod and turning the end down to 1 or 2 thou less than the neck diameter. Then filing notches around on the corner so they would act as cutters. Slip it in and turn by hand. The geometry of the notches might require some experimentation. What do you think?

Might be able to just tap the rod to break the ring. ??
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I've never seen a situation where a soft cutter (like brass) cuts a hard material (like carbon)

You could try some diamond lapping compound on a brass rod but I really think electro-chemical (solvent) is the way to go.
Carbon cleaner formulated to remove carbon will do what you need. I've even removed rings but the scrubbing was vigorous
Search threads for "carbon Ring Removal" Len started a good thread on the subject a year or two ago, he and others laid out some very good methods for carbon ring removal.
talk to the 22 rimfire buys that make cutters from longer rf cases.

I've never seen a situation where a soft cutter (like brass) cuts a hard material (like carbon)

You could try some diamond lapping compound on a brass rod but I really think electro-chemical (solvent) is the way to go.
I use the VFG Rifle Cleaner felts and brass adapter to my USA cleaning rod for my 22's now and will add other barrel diameters. They work great, clean better than any other I have tried my anschutz 22 rifle and S&W 41. The felts are available from several places among them is: and other places.
I use the VFG Rifle Cleaner felts and brass adapter to my USA cleaning rod for my 22's now and will add other barrel diameters. They work great, clean better than any other I have tried my anschutz 22 rifle and S&W 41. The felts are available from several places among them is: and other places.
I use these too, as do many benchresters work good
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