Canned Deer

It's sad . My boss has went on all summer bout going elk hunting this fall . Last week he called me and ask if I could sight in a rifle for him . He absolutely can not get one on bulls eye for nothing . Yeah I can get it for you . I get it dialed in and he starts talking bout this elk hunt more . Come to find out it's a high fence in Ohio , he's been getting pics of this bull he's going to shoot from the owner all summer .
By no means am I saying this isn't an elk but really . I know it'll eat the same possibly better but come on. The area it's in is like 10 acres. It's just crazy he's went on all summer bout elk hunting like he's going out west . I guess maybe it's a good thing cause I can guarantee if he'd kill one some place he had to handle it , it would go to waste unless someone else was there to do it for him
It's sad . My boss has went on all summer bout going elk hunting this fall . Last week he called me and ask if I could sight in a rifle for him . He absolutely can not get one on bulls eye for nothing . Yeah I can get it for you . I get it dialed in and he starts talking bout this elk hunt more . Come to find out it's a high fence in Ohio , he's been getting pics of this bull he's going to shoot from the owner all summer .
By no means am I saying this isn't an elk but really . I know it'll eat the same possibly better but come on. The area it's in is like 10 acres. It's just crazy he's went on all summer bout elk hunting like he's going out west . I guess maybe it's a good thing cause I can guarantee if he'd kill one some place he had to handle it , it would go to waste unless someone else was there to do it for him
In a way, it is a bit sad missing a real mountain Elk hunt but, maybe, Ya got a Boss that knows his limitations. Least he likes Elk venison so not all that bad.
To me there is a BIG difference between "hunting" and "shooting".
My brother told me of a canned hunt where someone carry's your rifle to the stand for you,loads it for you,ranges the shot then gut's the deer or elk for you and then calls for a vehicle to bring it to a processing plant for you.
Sorry but that's not hunting!
Watched an Elk101 show where Cory and Donny were helping a contest winner on an archery elk hunt. The guy was from Texas and could barely walk 50 ft. Overweight, out of breath, I was wondering why he would enter that contest if he wasn't capable of walking around much less climbing any hills. Figured he was a typical stand-over-bait hunter.
Ol no
In a way, it is a bit sad missing a real mountain Elk hunt but, maybe, Ya got a Boss that knows his limitations. Least he likes Elk venison so not all that bad.
he's already said he'd give me a bunch and giving the rest away also . No complaining from me bout free elk meat but really , he's went on and on bout this like it was a spike camp hunt off horse back
I cannot imagine watching that kind of "hunting" on TV either. But my blinds and feeders have another purpose.
On average, 6 of 10 friends that I invite to hunt here couldn't hit the side of a barn if they weren't inside it. My grandson and his friends are the only hunters that like to walk AND can fatally wound a deer that they've spooked or spotted standing on the hill 300yds away.
20 years ago I bought blinds and feeders for two reasons. I spent too much time trying to track another hunter's wounded deer and too many wounded deer were never recovered. Blinds and feeders conserve resources.
A couple of side benefits are the corn helps keep the quail fed after deer season closes. And since all the feeders are close to a road I don't get called upon to help drag a deer half a mile or more through prickly desert plants.
The biggest downside is that mountain lions know how to hunt a feeder, too.
If I'm watching hunting I prefer it to be interesting and something different than what I typically see. Here in PA stand hunting is a necessity because the properties are too small for stalking but baiting isn't legal so you need to set up on field or a travel corridor.
Try watching Meat Eater.
Steve Rinella really goes after his game animals.

Also check out Randy Newberg, Gritty. GoHunt. Western Hunter. All decent content on You Tube
Both of these are great shows that I actually enjoyed watching when I used to watch. Nothing easy for these guys!
Several years ago I heard that there was a place that you could hunt by remote control.
A feeder and stand that had a rifle connected to a camera and remote.
When a deer stepped out you would get an alert and if you liked what you saw you used your computer to line up the scope and hit enter.
That would send an alert to the "guide" and they would get your deer process and mount it, then send it to you
If you're in the Alberta wilderness surrounded by tens of thousands of acres, and there is a cleared shooting lane and a cleared spot where the bait , Is this a canned hunt? What if you're on five to fifteen thousand acres of high fence with elevated box blinds that have lots of deer come in just because there is no hunting pressure. Is this a canned hunt? This is the slippery slope hunters slide down when we start to judge others. I hunt within sight of my house on one of my feeders bringing deer off of a federal wildlife Refuge onto private land no one is able to hunt except myself and whoever I invite. Canned hunt? I don't judge or care what people with more money than myself does with it. If they want to pay ten, fifteenth thousand to kill a giant buck that most hunters won't see in their lifetime on public land, who cares. Envy, one of the sins spoken of in the Bible. Quit fighting among ourselves.
Several years ago I heard that there was a place that you could hunt by remote control.
A feeder and stand that had a rifle connected to a camera and remote.
When a deer stepped out you would get an alert and if you liked what you saw you used your computer to line up the scope and hit enter.
That would send an alert to the "guide" and they would get your deer process and mount it, then send it to you
That is illegal, and should be reported.