Camp food ideas?

We make a lot of foods at home and vacuum seal them and then jus throw the package in boiling water at camp. Lasagna, stroganoff, chicken and rice stuff like that. Also take canned potatoes and other canned vegetables. with and mix with burger. Squirt some ketchup in and good to go
We used to do the full meals in camp but it just kills the hunting for me, I need sleep more than I need large meals, I'm there to put pounds of meat in the freezer not vacation. I'll hit a Mountain house in the evening with a tasty beverage and hit the sack, takes me 45 min max from start to finish. I don't do breakfast as that early it doesn't sit right, mid morning I'll fire of the Windburner and get some hot coco in me and some snack sticks and cheese curds. Lunch is a meat sandwich and more meat sticks and cheese. Elk are napping so we nap till about 2-3 and its time elk are moving so we're back on glass and getting into them. If I do the full meals I end up spending my day running to the trees with TP or barfing when were were pushing it, if I just moderately eat and keep hydrated I'm GTG.
My buddy is the exact opposite so we kinda just do our own things, we plan maybe one day where we pull out all the stops and make a feast, if he doesn't eat three full course meals he'll be shaking and worthless by noon. We have pretty much gotten to the point we do our own meals so we perform our best cause someone will suffer otherwise!
I usually bring smoked ribs and smoked Cornish hens. Vacuum sealed and the whole bag put in a put of boiling water for 1/2 hr or so. We also do Chile, stew, chicken noodle soup, green chile and the sort. It is basically it's own serving dish so not a lot of clean-up afterward. We like to cook at camp when we have time/not to tired so T-bones and baked potatoes are good and shrimp on the barbie is good too. Hot dogs/braughts are really good and easy on a fire.
Although I never tried it I suppose you could pre-cook steaks and pork chops then vac seal and warm up in hot water.

So our group is headed to Wyoming soon to hunt elk. We are tent camping and plan to bring cooked meals to heat up. So far, we have thought of tacos, taco soup, chili, sloppy Joe's, spaghetti, cowboy stew, and hotdogs. We plan to cook most the meals, freeze them, and just reheat.

What other meal ideas have y'all done? Any good meals we can add?


I usually cook shrimp jambalaya, seafood gumbo, venison or hog chili, soups or stews. Freeze em, vacuum pack em then all you have to do is drop the bag in a pot of boiling water. The dish tastes like you just cooked it. That's the simplest way we've found to have a good hot tasty meal and there's little cleanup.
Here's our menu for this year ... everything but steaks cooked and vacuum sealed, just heat up in water and it's all gtg. A few of these are extra meals because we will be eating elk a couple time hopefully.


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So our group is headed to Wyoming soon to hunt elk. We are tent camping and plan to bring cooked meals to heat up. So far, we have thought of tacos, taco soup, chili, sloppy Joe's, spaghetti, cowboy stew, and hotdogs. We plan to cook most the meals, freeze them, and just reheat.

What other meal ideas have y'all done? Any good meals we can add?


Gotta cook a roast and take it to slice for sandwiches or dinner.....or a Breakfast Fatties Made four last night to take to camp. made with Elk sausage meet stuffed and rolled and wrapped in bacon weave, smoked!


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So our group is headed to Wyoming soon to hunt elk. We are tent camping and plan to bring cooked meals to heat up. So far, we have thought of tacos, taco soup, chili, sloppy Joe's, spaghetti, cowboy stew, and hotdogs. We plan to cook most the meals, freeze them, and just reheat.

What other meal ideas have y'all done? Any good meals we can add?



My favorite camp meal is aluminum foil dinner. I pre season and butter potatoes, corn on the cob, large carrots, onion, and Sirloin all cut into 3inch cubes and corn snapped into 1/3rds. Wrapped in a good four layers or so of heavy aluminum foil. I wrap in thin trays so it sits in the cooler or you can set in a sealed bag. Get a big fire going and when it's reduced to red coals dig a side pit and bury the meal in it and let it cook for at least three hours slowly. Use earth as a buffer. You can use small chickens as a beef alternative if you want. I season with fresh herbs if possible. After slow roasting it comes out amazing, and I always make enough for several meals for everyone. It is fast and easy prep and simple to cook.
So our group is headed to Wyoming soon to hunt elk. We are tent camping and plan to bring cooked meals to heat up. So far, we have thought of tacos, taco soup, chili, sloppy Joe's, spaghetti, cowboy stew, and hotdogs. We plan to cook most the meals, freeze them, and just reheat.

What other meal ideas have y'all done? Any good meals we can add?


The easiest meals are a grill for the fire and some thick prime rib steaks assuming you are not back packing.
I like to make soups or stews and freeze them into cereal bowls. Afterwards, vacuum seal the frozen puck. It doubles as ice in the cooler and you can just put the sealed bag frozen or thawed into boiling water to heat up, which makes dishes easy.
So our group is headed to Wyoming soon to hunt elk. We are tent camping and plan to bring cooked meals to heat up. So far, we have thought of tacos, taco soup, chili, sloppy Joe's, spaghetti, cowboy stew, and hotdogs. We plan to cook most the meals, freeze them, and just reheat.

What other meal ideas have y'all done? Any good meals we can add?


Just buy a jet boil and the associated dehydrated foods. Their good and you have a hand warmer on the mountain
I'll say this about some of you fellas. U all are light years of what I had in camp on the prepared end of it for food. Heck some of these meals are better than what I eat at home. Lol. Great job fellas on the little things in life.
Good luck to the season ahead.
Don't forget the most important thing in camp ...... TP
I would for sure bring some mountain house or backpackers pantry and a backpack stove so if for some reason weather got me hold up or If i got on a good chase or had one down and it was hard to get out i could keep my energy up and something hot in my belly. Also try goulash its great and a good comfort food plus it has everything inside for that one dish meal.
1/2 ground beef with 1/2 ground lamb, a great base for many quick meals. Flour with 10% cornmeal, makes an easy dredge. A pot of beans set in the morning coals is cooked perfectly come sundown. Taters in foil.
My daughter and I collect acorns, dry and grind. A bit of suet and dried meat makes a great pemmican that'll tide you over for hours while walking the woods.
And a good vacuum machine. Saves space, easy to empty and heat. Makes for a great selection.
I am saving a bunch of your ideas, it looks as if I have been short sighted and restrictive in my cooking habits.
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