Caliber choice, chasing the fad.

OH, and I believe most flinching is sound based and not felt recoil based. I for one am "recoil sensitive" and as I stated, I choose smaller cartridges because of it.

Recoil never use to bother me but now anymore I just don't like it. Decided to build a gun with a brake on it. I had a braked 300 rum for a short period of time. It took a lot for me to control my flinch and it wasn't from the recoil. Even with plugs and muffs on I still had to really concentrate. That gun shot amazing when I paid attention but it went down the road quickly. I'm now putting together a 6.5 saum.
Recoil never use to bother me but now anymore I just don't like it. Decided to build a gun with a brake on it. I had a braked 300 rum for a short period of time. It took a lot for me to control my flinch and it wasn't from the recoil. Even with plugs and muffs on I still had to really concentrate. That gun shot amazing when I paid attention but it went down the road quickly. I'm now putting together a 6.5 saum.

I just try and take the beating from my RUM like a man (without the brake)- thats also why it stays in the safe more often than not since I got the 270
I just try and take the beating from my RUM like a man (without the brake)- thats also why it stays in the safe more often than not since I got the 270
I used to take my 375 ruger and shoot jackrabbits. Why I thought I needed a 375 ruger in eastern montana is beyond me but I was young and single so it was something to play with. When I had the 300 rum I would leave that in the pickup and pack the wifes 6.5-06 more
In yesteryear it was lighter calibers..then the bigger cals started showing up at more and more hunts and shops....
I like a lot of you boys have shot many different cartridged rifles....
I occasionally catch myself flinching on the first round because of being unsure of someone else's rifle..especially their trigger job......
After the first shot I can settle in and heat up any barrel.....recoil hasnt really ever bothered a youngster of 8 or 9 I walked around toting dads 12 gauge shotgun...ended the lives of many critters with that..and at only 75# never felt the recoil much then either....learn to shoot the weapon of choice or whatever someone hands you......
Brakes have changed the game for many people..some use the complaint of 'oh i had shoulder surgery'....i had the labrum(the white connective tissue holding bones together) reattached from 330-700...counter clockwise..because the doctor thought I had a little tear..big surprise..4 hours of surgery to repair..i knew it was extremely bad..couldnt cut an apple without it separating......and the left shoulder is still torn up.....
Do I need a brake at 51 years of dont even want to hear a guy 50 yards away shoot his.....i like many really like that sweet sound tinnitus has for us to listen to 24 hours a day....
Give me a rifle with a straight barrel..or one with a can(which I don't have)...
And plenty of ammo.....always ready to put lead back in the dirt......
In yesteryear it was lighter calibers..then the bigger cals started showing up at more and more hunts and shops....
I like a lot of you boys have shot many different cartridged rifles....
I occasionally catch myself flinching on the first round because of being unsure of someone else's rifle..especially their trigger job......
After the first shot I can settle in and heat up any barrel.....recoil hasnt really ever bothered a youngster of 8 or 9 I walked around toting dads 12 gauge shotgun...ended the lives of many critters with that..and at only 75# never felt the recoil much then either....learn to shoot the weapon of choice or whatever someone hands you......
Brakes have changed the game for many people..some use the complaint of 'oh i had shoulder surgery'....i had the labrum(the white connective tissue holding bones together) reattached from 330-700...counter clockwise..because the doctor thought I had a little tear..big surprise..4 hours of surgery to repair..i knew it was extremely bad..couldnt cut an apple without it separating......and the left shoulder is still torn up.....
Do I need a brake at 51 years of dont even want to hear a guy 50 yards away shoot his.....i like many really like that sweet sound tinnitus has for us to listen to 24 hours a day....
Give me a rifle with a straight barrel..or one with a can(which I don't have)...
And plenty of ammo.....always ready to put lead back in the dirt......

I'm only 29 and have that constant ringing in my left ear.
'Sound gear' guys, they sell them at the lrh store.
If we can afford to shoot a rum let alone own one we can afford heating protection.
'Sound gear' guys, they sell them at the lrh store.
If we can afford to shoot a rum let alone own one we can afford heating protection.

Always wondered about those. Can you wear a stocking cap with them? How is wind noise with them?
'Sound gear' guys, they sell them at the lrh store.
If we can afford to shoot a rum let alone own one we can afford heating protection.
My only problem with them my hunting partners would need them as well. Plus my young daughter hunts with us when its an easier hunt and she has a pair of muffs that we pack along. Even with muffs I think a brake would still be to loud for her
Little guns are fun to play with. I've hunted with most everything. I'm keeping my RUM. It is a hammer, not a swatter. Yes, it kicks a little and is loud. It also absolutely wilts anything in front of it. I'm too old to chase cripples.
Always wondered about those. Can you wear a stocking cap with them? How is wind noise with them?
I have a different cheaper brand, they're fine with my winter cap and work fine in the wind with my cap on, but wind bothers mine if I don't have them covered. I'm asking for sound gear for Xmas next year, the electronic ear plugs work though, I cheaped out though and didn't buy a good enough set
My only problem with them my hunting partners would need them as well. Plus my young daughter hunts with us when its an easier hunt and she has a pair of muffs that we pack along. Even with muffs I think a brake would still be to loud for her
If ur straight behind the shooter a set of muffs will easily shut out noise, its to the side that they're awful. But everyone hunts differently. If I'm bothering to pack my big guns I bother to wear hearing protection. If not I'll take a baby gun and go hunt without plugs
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