Caffeine versus Accuracy?

Dang, man....thats putting me to sleep just looking at it!!!

Told you! I have more, not counting my assigned reading literatures/articles and e-textbooks. :(

With a 50 mph crosswind, it would not matter if I had coffee or not, the crosshairs would be so far removed from the target
And what, pray tell, are you studying ? And a dissertation...Masters Degree, is that correct ? PhD ? That is phenomenal, dude , either way!
My youngest daughter got herself a Masters in Civil Engineering. I thought that was a lot of work...then she decided that maybe that ain't her cup of tea after all. She decided to go back to school and become an M.D. instead. Got accepted into med school, and now has her first year of that behind her. And what a ton of work all that is. Good thing you have low sleep requirements, Feenix!!
And what, pray tell, are you studying ? And a dissertation...Masters Degree, is that correct ? PhD ? That is phenomenal, dude , either way!

Doctorate degree, thanks!

My youngest daughter got herself a Masters in Civil Engineering. I thought that was a lot of work...then she decided that maybe that ain't her cup of tea after all. She decided to go back to school and become an M.D. instead. Got accepted into med school, and now has her first year of that behind her. And what a ton of work all that is. Good thing you have low sleep requirements, Feenix!!

Good on your daughter. Low sleep requirement definitely helps.
So I am a coffee snob and really like strong flavorful coffee BUT dang it! Shooting after a couple cups is like trying to hold crosshairs in 50mph crosswind! How does caffeine affect your ability to shoot ELR? I am now finding even caffeine in soft drinks are affecting me more now than ever the older I got.
Look on the bright side, if you shoot long enough you'll eventually get to the point that coffee doesn't make you shake any worse than you already do without it.

I love coffee but try my best to avoid it, particularly when shooting.
I haven't seen anyone mention Eye Jitter. Coffee and tobacco I have noticed definitely affect blood flow and muscle/blood flow movement and is visible in the reticle. Effect reduced/minimized something like 1-2 hours after having it.

But the bigger one is eye jitter for me. The day I really noticed it, I was shooting 0.25-0.3 moa consistently, quite pleased with myself... Spaced out what I was doing and threw a cope in while i was waiting for cool down. Best groups after were 0.5moa. That dang crosshair keeps jumping around. Seems to be increased blood flow in the eyes for me and eye muscles get twitchy.
That's OK, but back to the topic, logic would dictate that anything that contributes to an elevated heart rate woul affect long range accuracy. We've all read the stories about breaking the trigger between heart beats and I think there is merit in the argument. I just don't think (at the 350-400yd ranges) I'm dealing with it really matters so I'll continue to indulge.

At 400yds it can easily be the difference in a center mass hit or a complete miss not only due to the rise/fall of the rifle due to your heartbeat but due to the shaking that is caused by the other neurological effects of caffeine.
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