Burris Veracity 4-20 thoughts

Are you looking for a first focal plane scope? It seems your comparison scopes are second focal plane, but not the Veracity. A different animal...
It's not a big factor. I've even looked at the zeiss v6 3-18x50. It just this burris is cheaper, but sometimes cheaper is still good. Some models have all kinds of bells and whistles that you really don't need, but..... you pay more. As in the vx5 and vx6 comparison. Glass is same, vx6 has other options. But the burris for some reason always intrigued me. Don't know why. Therr are a few others in that 3-15, 4-16, 4-20 range that I looked at.
I had a 4-20x50 Veracity on my CZ 527 204 that I recently sold. They're a pretty decent scope. I wouldn't consider them high end but I'd consider them a very competitive scope in their price range. Tracking was pretty good, just not great and the one thing that probably bothered me the most was the optics got fairly grainy when the power ring was turned up. Would I buy one again, unless it was a smoking good deal, probably not.
If i remember correctly, there are 2 different models of the 4-20. One model has the MAD system which only allows 1 revolution of the turret. The other version has taller capped turrets and allows for additional rotation. Or did I read that wrong.
My cousin has the 4-20, with madd turrets. Theyre interchangeable. One was a large turret with a zero stop and did one revolution, the other would turn like normal turrets
I have the 4-20 with low turrets. I've had it for 3 years now. I really like it. The bdc reticle is good for relatively quick shots out to 400, and the turrets are reliable enough to shoot as far as I have ever needed to shoot. I have not treated the scope with the most care, but it's never lost zero. The reticle is a little thicker than I would prefer for small targets, but it's been really good in all of the hunting situations I've used it in. I got mine new for less than $600, which is pretty tough to beat. I'll most likely put them on all of my hunting rifles.
I too have a 4x20-50 Veracity it is a nice scope. How ever if you have a S&B 2.5x10-56 keep it for those best hunting time snots. To be honest a Veracity will not help when the best shooting times as much as the S&B will. In good light the extra power may be nice but that is not usually the best hunting time. Even at 500yds 10 power should be good enough. Have you tried your S&B at 500yds to see if your worries are warranted.
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