Burlap came question.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2016
I tried mossy oak break up country camo burlap last season or the year before. I was back in small planted pines off a field edge and believe the couple of square yard of material should not have been too conspicuous. 2 fawns entered the field about 120yards away and immediately locked onto my position and then came to visit me. Also one of the land owners using the same camo on ladder stands had the same experience. I've looked at it with a uv light and don't see anything concerning. For what that's worth, who nows but the deer. Has anyone else had similar experiences with this product?
Deer readily pick up on two things:

1. scent (yours or the new camo material)
2. movement of any kind (they see shadows moving too)
I'd say there are 3 things

3. Anything new or out of place in their environment.

I was hand feeding deer at a natural clearing and watching them from a hillside above and about 100 yds away. I did this for 3 days in a row. On the last day I overslept and was in a hurry. I threw the corn down but decided to leave the paper corn sack rolled up at the edge of the clearing. The deer arrived as they always did but froze when they saw the sack. They were locked in on it and very nervous. After a bunch a foot stomping and head bobbing they all left the area without eating a single kernal. These skinny deer were in poor condition basically starving during the south Texas drought during the early 90s.
I cleaned the windows inside and out on my tower blind, deer would look warily for a bit before heading out of the brush into the open.

I walked into the area the next morning to swap out a bad camera, they did not change behavior at all, but those clean windows got their attention, even though the inside is blacked out.

I have seen/heard of guys using survey tape, tied like wind indicators in and around the area to disrupt their wariness.
Never tried it but anything very new usually has a bit of glare. How long has it been out in the field

Thank you

Just put it out before that hunt but was well hidden. I know they see into different ligt spectrum than we do and was wondering if that was the case. after this season I'll hang some on a field edge and watch from a distance. Thank you.

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