Bullet for MTN Lion

Everyone can say what they want but your choice of weapon will be just fine. There is no such thing as a perfect lion caliber.... I have seen them shot with .22lr, Bows, Pistols of every caliber and on up to maybe the biggest was a 30-30... Can't remember anyone using anything bigger..I have never seen a lion shot with a 300 savage but have the 30-30 and it could of been said that was the perfect lion caliber because it did the job and lions were dead before they hit the ground. In the last years I lion hunted a guy had a Ruger II .223 ultra light.. This gun seem to be the go to gun everyone used. It was small and easy to pack. many first time lion hunters killed their lions with this gun... Just take your 300 savage and make the memories.. It will be fine... Dave
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