Building a rifle off a savage 110 action?

Keep the long action, you don't need to go short. Not even with the short action rounds. Longs are easier for parts swapping. The bolt spacing never changed. All long action bolt heads interchange with the same firing pin assembly.

Since you've expressed an interest in horsepower, I'd suggest a 22-243AI.
Keep the long action, you don't need to go short. Not even with the short action rounds. Longs are easier for parts swapping. The bolt spacing never changed. All long action bolt heads interchange with the same firing pin assembly.

Since you've expressed an interest in horsepower, I'd suggest a 22-243AI.

Thanks for the info. So feeding shouldn't be an issue? Especially since 22-250, 220 swift, and all others are as big as the 30-06
Keep the long action, you don't need to go short. Not even with the short action rounds. Longs are easier for parts swapping. The bolt spacing never changed. All long action bolt heads interchange with the same firing pin assembly.

Since you've expressed an interest in horsepower, I'd suggest a 22-243AI.

Thanks for the info. So feeding shouldn't be an issue? Especially since 22-250, 220 swift, and all others are as big as the 30-06

One factor I have seen between savage LA and SA's are stocks. Do you have a stock or do you plan on getting one? In my experience SA stocks are easier to come by, and the majority of them are 4.4" spacing which again seems to be most common. That is my experience anyway.
I've fed short action rounds from the long action magazines with very little fuss. At worst, they needed some tweaking of the magazine lips.

All long actions are the same as far as bolt spacing is concerned. The centerfeed models have a small slot milled at the rear action screw for the magazine "L" clip to rest. The slot can be ignored or filled with bedding material for use on a stagger feed action.

That's the rub with short actions. A lot of things have changed with them over the different models and generations. The bolt spacing has changed. The firing pin assembly and bolt heads are different depending on if they are magnum or not. Pay attention when you are swapping parts on a short action.
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