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Brux barrels

Can't imagine anything being better. Built 4 rifles with them. "Saved" 100 dollars using another brand recently . Not taking the cheap route ever again.

You have to share! Which of the cheap guys did you try?
Brux was the bbl. on my first custom, purely competition rifle(long range and PRS style). Novice that I was, I got a lighter contour than I should have, so driving it was a challenge, BUT......it was a laser. Marc Soulie at Spartan rifles put it together for me in 7mm-08. Shot in the .3's and .4's (MOA) for over 3500 rounds (a more accomplished shooter probabably would best that). Started to shoot into the .6's -.7s around then and I finally rebarreled at 4200, mainly because I wanted a medium Palma countour. It probably would still shot have better than I could so I kept the barrel with an eye to making a hunting rifle for the grandkids one day.....if they can shoot better than a 3/4 minute rifle, I'll get 'em a new one! It was a 4 groove and one of the easiest barrels to break in/clean I've ever had. Highly recommend them.
I have had several different barrels and honestly can't say anything bad about any of them. I have had 3 Brux barrels and all shot great. Can't go wrong.
I am really happy with brux barrels. I have purchased 5 so far with one being a replacement for a shot out barrel on my 260. I had ordered an MTU with their awesome interrupted fluting and Norm drop shipped it to my gunsmith. I shipped my rifle to him and it returned to me without the fluting. A quick call to Norm at brux confirmed that the fluting was not on the order although his notes had it. He offered to do whatever I wanted to make it right, including covering my gunsmith costs to replace the barrel, and he even offered personally chamber and install a new barrel on my rifle free of charge!! I was really impressed! I decided the best thing for everyone was to simply take the $100 credit and leave the barrel alone. The rifle shoots amazingly just like the first brux barrel had. Needless to say I am very impressed with Brux barrels and will continue using them.
I been involved with 3 rifles that were barreled with Brux barrels. Two were #5 Fluted 26in 7mm LRMs and the 3rd is a 26in #4 fluted in 6.5 PRC. All of them have shot sub 1/2 MOA. The 2 LRMs have separately been used to take a Coues at 935yards and an Elk at 1092yards and various other Coues deer at 300-700 yards. Bottom line is these barrels perform.
You have to share! Which of the cheap guys did you try?
X-caliba 😡. In all fairness, I did get the rifle to shoot. It was a seven twist 22-243 and I had shot most bullets between 69 and 90 grains with many powder combinations. It averaged 1.25 to 2.0 inches with most loads. I was about ready to give up and realized I had a box of 95 grain Sierra's that had not been tried yet and bingo, sub moa out to six hundred with a few different powders.👍
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Got one on a 264 win mag. Shoots great but seems slow compared to others. Rock is my preference but I grabbed a Bart to try on my next build.
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