Brown bear Rifle

Those Mulie freak dummies shot a black bear with a 22 creed. It didn't die immediately like they thought. And it wasn't dead when they walked up to it. It mauled a couple of the hounds and was a total cluster… you can't cure stupid
That moron has been convicted 2 times for poaching and still people watch his garbage on YouTube.
He represents what is wrong with a segment of hunting.

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I wonder if that ever happened to anyone with a larger caliber gun? I wonder if they were stupid to?

I guess to some people, everyone is stupid. Except them.

Maybe they didn't pay the guide enough money to set it up properly and that's the stupid part?
Some people will snatch defeat out for the hand of victory.....these are the "hold my beer " segment of society.
I don't claim to be a big bear guy. Just spent a lot of my life in areas with lots of brown bears. Now the wife drags me all over blue blazes with the hippie dippie friends and we end up in situations rednecks don't usually find themselves with bears. Even so the negative interactions compose .05% of total interactions. Have seen problem Bears be shot, have even been a part of that. But that's out of thousands of interactions over decades. The other 99.5% are solved by "hey bear, whoa bear" at a decent volume.

It is funny to me the wild opinions between varmint rounds and 50 bmg. Pretty sure the wife, who would rather be eaten by a bear than listen to a 15 minute conversation about cartridges could select the right rifle for her out of the safe. Yet 50 plus pages and multiple threads later.... we're at 223 or stopping an up armored hummer...

Oh well it drives clicks that keeps the forums going... that keeps me entertained.
I wonder if that ever happened to anyone with a larger caliber gun? I wonder if they were stupid to?

I guess to some people, everyone is stupid. Except them.

Maybe they didn't pay the guide enough money to set it up properly and that's the stupid part?
Do you think a 22 creed is going to create a large wound channel? Do you think it will penetrate deep enough to give you and entry and exit hole. How do you think an 80 gr cup and core bullet will do against bone? If it loses half of its mass do you think it still has enough to kill a bear? Especially since if it loses half of its weight it's the same as a 22lr!
I take back everything I've said.

I always thought this stuff was challenging and required a lot of skill and big huge powerful rifles.

I guess since you can do it at 30 yds , I certainly stand corrected about how easy it all is and not really threatening at all.

Why don't you just use buckshot? Tough hunt I guess. You're my hero and I officially anoint you as the foremost expert.

I am right about 6.5 being the premier Bear bullet though since that's what you used. I mean it must be.

Thanks for the confirmation.
Your a clown
Your greatest outdoor achievement is a Tuesday for the rest of us.
That's almost the kind of talk you use when you are standing in front of someone . Not in an Internet forum.
Buddy, you don't know me , Mr I have done that with a 6.5 .
Guys like you live long boring lives in the woods and only know what is 50 feet from your outhouse.
So before you make accusations, back up your infinite expertise about someone you're talking to.
No I didn't put up a lot money. The Fallen Outdoors organization and those in support have been very generous to me. So on that part you're correct. I wouldn't put a lot of money into it because frankly , wasn't much of a thrill or challenge but for someone who talks all day and has never done anything but run the goats out of their barn I guess it would be.
I'm not acting like a bear hunting expert, I am an expert marksman and that's a fact. However, there's no way you would be able to digest that point as I haven't made that clear.

Again, share your 500 pound 6.5 bear with us and tell how much it cost and how you were in such perilous danger.

I'd love to hear all about it from a premier expert like yourself Mr 6.5. Perhaps with your wisdom and information I'll be able to impress you somehow with my bear hunting accolades. You know that's always been a goal of mine.

I'll let you get back to tending the Hurd .
I'm easy to find
Id have zero issues saying the exact same thing to you in person 🤷‍♂️
Your 300 is just fine providing it is ultra reliable and durable. It should fit you like a fine shotgun and don't hang a lot of crap
on it that will hang up in the alders.....ammo pouches etc. If it's got a floor plate, glue it shut or duct tape it. Your scope cover should be easy and water tight. Years back, we used pieces of inner tube stretched over the scope.....harder to find today. Now I go to a physical therapist friend and get a piece of .....I think it's called Theraband or some such....your bullet choice is good.

Good luck on your hunt.....Where will it take place?
See thru scope covers versus inner tubes sure seem smart if a bear gets close, personal, offended, determined....
There is always the option of using a PCP air rifle. You can get one in 35 caliber and fill it to 3500 psi regulated down to about 1700 psi. You can push a 93 gr. slug @ 915 fps for 172 fp of energy, slightly more than a .22 long rifle. People use them for hogs so why not brown bears? For a real challenge, they make .22 PCP w/ 70 fp of energy. Be sure you can handle the recoil before stepping up to the 35 tho.
Dodged a bullet...

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