BOYDS, AtOne, or Pro Varmint Savage stock

Perhaps too radical for most, I recently acquired an MPA Lite chassis for my LRH in 6.5x284. Ergonomically, it matches my PRS 6.5x47L competition rifle but the lighter chassis brings it in to a hunting weight comparable to the OEM stock, about 12# fully loaded. These chassis stocks feel and shoot so well for me in competition that I wanted to give one a try for LR Hunting next season.
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I bought the A one stock and sold it right after. A lot of cheap plastic. I went with an accustock. It is now a very accurate rifle. No bedding needed
The At One is surprisingly a great feeling stock. Good features and very stable. As mentioned they still benefit greatly from pillar/glass bedding.
Ok all ye, SAVAGE owners, I just bought a Model 10, Tactical, 308, non Accustock. Have looked a few replacement stocks, and have came down to the AtOne, or the Pro Varmint, both are BOYDS.
Looking for any inputs, pros, cons, goods bads, or even suggestions. New to the Savage game, love it, and all the possibilities.
Don't know why I didn't do this before now.
Even considered the Bobby Hart, on Stockys site too!
Thanks to all, especially the barrel nut cranks!
STW I have a savage 7MM 300 and i am now working with MDT and going with the MDT HS3 stock will be around $600.00 by the time I am through.. Knapper
I have both. The At One is on my 10 yr old sons 6.5 creedmoor and the Pro Varmint is on a 204 ruger - both are savages. I like the at one because of the adjustability. My son and I can both shoot it very comfortably with a little adjustment. I am 6'5" and I lower the cheek rest and extend the butt plate and its like it was made for me. It will also adjust as my son grows, which I thoight was cool. The At One is a heavy little sucker, I was surprised and a little disappointed. My son loves it - that may change once he has to lug that sucker all over the mountain, but it will build character right?

I love how the pro-varmint stock fits and feels. I wish I would have paid extra for the adjustable cheek rest - i have a Millett LRS on the 204 and with the 56mm objective I need to do something for a better cheek weld. Both are high quality and I don't believe you will be disappointed either way.


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I have both. The At One is on my 10 yr old sons 6.5 creedmoor and the Pro Varmint is on a 204 ruger - both are savages. I like the at one because of the adjustability. My son and I can both shoot it very comfortably with a little adjustment. I am 6'5" and I lower the cheek rest and extend the butt plate and its like it was made for me. It will also adjust as my son grows, which I thoight was cool. The At One is a heavy little sucker, I was surprised and a little disappointed. My son loves it - that may change once he has to lug that sucker all over the mountain, but it will build character right?

I love how the pro-varmint stock fits and feels. I wish I would have paid extra for the adjustable cheek rest - i have a Millett LRS on the 204 and with the 56mm objective I need to do something for a better cheek weld. Both are high quality and I don't believe you will be disappointed either way.
Call them they will do it if you send it back to them
I don't own one of these nor have I used one, but i really like the vertical hand grip - not really tacticool motivated...just like how a rifle fits me.

Simply an alternative to Boyds - though their stocks seem very well done.

That's Richards Microfit...I used several of their stocks, but they are not plug and play. They require a lot of finish work.
How do you get the magizine out of the stock. I had it apart the other day, looked quickly, but couldnt, or didn't see how it is attached.
That's Richards Microfit...I used several of their stocks, but they are not plug and play. They require a lot of finish work.
My silhouette stock is a Microfit, no truer words can describe them. Ice hit sap lines in the hand area that are tough to fix without painting/epoxy. Fits like yoga pants now thpugh
I very much like my pro-varmint, good ergo's

Got mine in high grade maple when they were offering it. wish i could get another for my other action
Are you talking about the bottom metal?
Yes. My magazine, at this point is a blind msg, which means the clip, is actually attached to the inside of the stock, and sandwiches to action when assembled. It actually looks like the detachable mag, from the top, but is attached to mag well in stock. Works fine, but need to remove it, to install in whichever stock I go with, which at this point, may be a Bobby Hart.
Yes. My magazine, at this point is a blind msg, which means the clip, is actually attached to the inside of the stock, and sandwiches to action when assembled. It actually looks like the detachable mag, from the top, but is attached to mag well in stock. Works fine, but need to remove it, to install in whichever stock I go with, which at this point, may be a Bobby Hart.
If I remember correctly, there should be a silver tab at the rear of the mag that you can carefully pry up with a flat head screw driver. I found this pic online...


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