Body Die or Full Length Die for Shoulder Bump?

My reddings fit that way.

tune the shoulder bump with the above headspace gauge and redding comp shellholders, and a hard cam off the shellholder.

OK. I've read this post and want to make sure I've got it right. I want to move up from the old FL die with expander ball. So I need to get a FL die with bushing neck sizer? Looked at Sinclair's website and was a little confused. What do I order? Do I need to upgrade my bullet seater while I'm at it? Thanks
For 6.5/06 and 338/06 I use a Redding FL bushing die with out the expander. However, to neck up the 25 and 30/06 brass for these two cartridges I use the standard FL die with a tapered expander ball. If you intend to FL size every time my opinion is use the FL bushing die and adjust to set the shoulder back .001
I do use a few body dies for cartridges that I neck size like 308,22-250 and 243 that need set back after a few firings.
Or a bushing neck sizing die, and a redding body die...

Or a Lee collet die (with a few different mandrels for much less than bushings) and a redding body die.
everyone from natchez and midway to cabellas, and most of the local relaoding suppliers. They come with a mandrel that will size to .002" or so, but you can order one that goes to .003" for $5, and and other dimension you want for $10. I usually order 2 when I get a new caliber... for the 308 cases, the standard mandrel is .3055, so I order .3045, and .3035... all the mandrels for less than one bushing from hornady, rcbs, or anybody else, and the die is just under half the price of any of the bushing dies. Mandrels are avalable directly from LEE. Alone Teamed with a redding body die, its easy to turn out very low TIR ammo.
Redding S FL die - $41.20. Redding S neck die set - $75.75. Redding S bushing neck die - $41.20. Redding body die - $20.70. Lee Collet Neck Size Die Set - $34.98. What to do? Is the dead length bullet seating die that comes with the neck sizer a good thing? If it is mabe thats the way to go with the redding body die?
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