Body Die or Full Length Die for Shoulder Bump?

Ian -- sorry, missed that part, was responding as a general practice.

in that case, yes, bump em with a body die /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Yes, my neck die is a bushing style as well. But hey, I like the fact that someone is looking over the others shoulder on stuff like this!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif Jim R
The whole idea of the body die is to bump the shoulder without touching the neck.
As Abinok explained, a regular F/L die will crush the neck down to an undesirable diameter.


"I meant to shoot the pike but the duck got in the way"
<font color="purple"> My neck sizing die changes neck diameter by .005", from fired to resized, with no expander ball. My FL die changes neck dimension .020" from fired to resized without expander. ....expander ball... to much work hardening with it... and then there are the accuracy issues of expander balls, ... </font>

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.005 reduction in neck diameter sounds great for BR and a disaster for the field (unless you have a very tight neck). In general not good advice (IMAO).

Listen to froggy, loose the expander balls.
I thought the goal was to neck size so that you achieve .001 neck tension on naked projectiles and .002 on moly. The external sizing is relative to this but doesn't tell us what the internal dimensions are before seating?
This depends on how tight the neck clearance is in the given chamber and neck expansion upon firing then brass bounce back dimensionally.
My 02.
JB, ABINOK, Centre punch, etc

FL with 0.001-0.002 shoulder bump each time...

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I don't mean to be real stupid here but how can you tell if you have bumped it 0.002 or 0.02. Where do you measure this from or at or around? I mostly shoot weatherbys and not even Roy Wby knew were the shoulder was. all I know to do is if it doesn't chamber then squash it some more.
WAsn´t this froggy using a custom fl die without bushings but with an especially ordered neck tension result?=

If one can´t get hold of a custom fl die, I think the fl die with bushings does make a lot of sense.. I already asked these questions and now I am sure that when going afield, FL gives you uniform cases and no feeding ( bolt closing) problems.
<font color="purple"> My neck sizing die changes neck diameter by .005", from fired to resized, with no expander ball. My FL die changes neck dimension .020" from fired to resized without expander. ....expander ball... to much work hardening with it... and then there are the accuracy issues of expander balls, ... </font>

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.005 reduction in neck diameter sounds great for BR and a disaster for the field (unless you have a very tight neck). In general not good advice (IMAO).

Listen to froggy, loose the expander balls.

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Im not sure how tight you call tight bigbore /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Those specs are with federal brass, .016" neck thickness, sized on a .3055" mandrel in a lee collet die, fired in a factory chambered, factory Savage barrel. This barrel is actually slightly larger in the neck than the last one, by a thousandth or so.

Why does that sound like a disaster in the field?
Who or where do have your body dies made with the .001 to .002 shoulder and body resizing over chamber size?
I presume these are neck collet style as well?
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