Growing up down near Belhaven NC we had an older gentleman that lived down the road from us on a long dirt driveway and he was the only house down the path. He met me when I was 4 and saw how I loved wildlife. After about a year of him knowing me, he approached my parents to see if he could let me witness something cool. He invited me and my parents to bring chairs, and we were told to sit quietly and not move. Right at sunset, he started to whistle. Almost immediately little furry faces appeared 20 yards away in the woods edge. Slowly a family of red foxes walked out, first just the parents and then the kits. They walked right up to Mr Haggard and ate treats out of his hands. The kits ate and then played at our feet. It was so very cool. For years the next generations of foxes came out every night for dinner. When Mr Haggard passed, there were close to 30 that came out each evening. Flash forward 47 years and when I go back to the end of the road and his abandoned house, I still see fox tracks in the sand.