Blackhorn 209 new black powder

Was just informed that the Blackhorn 209 is legal in our state. We will be posting a news release later today for that correction.

NM Dept. of Game & Fish

Public Information & Outreach Division

PO Box 25112

One Wildlife Way

Santa Fe, NM 87504




From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 2:04 PM
Subject: Muzzleloading Propellants

Hello folks,

I've received several phone calls and questions about your muzzleloading regulations that now prohibit Blackhorn 209. What is the basis for this? It seems that only Hodgdon owned propellants are allowed, as in Hodgdon Pyrodex "the smokeless muzzleloading propellant" and Goex blackpowder, Goex also owned by Hodgdon.

Why is discrimination shown by brand or propellant? This is a first. Please explain.

Pyrodex was sold as smokeless for years.

-- Randy Wakeman
Let me just say that powder is not the entire answer to accuracy with a ML. Bullet & sabot are another part of the equation!

Try a boat tail bullet / polimere tipped "250 gr Barnes TMZ" throw away their sabot and get yourself the Harvester "high pressure" crushed rib sabot "Yellow" designed for boat tail bullets. They are $8.00 for a pack of 50.

Also use a spin jag to load the bullet. It will allow the sabot to rifle it's self a create a better seal for proper pressure.

I shoot 110 grains BH 209 and have never looked back! My Prohunter will cut holes all day at 100 yards and hold 2" or less groups at 200 yards.

Make sure you load and clean the same exact way each time and you will tighten up your groups!

Also, forget about using pellets and use loose powder only. You can't pack pellets nearly a tight as loose powder. It's all about pressures! To many voids with pellets plus you have no control over tuning your powder charge with pellets. Think about it!



Hot dang.....I gotta get me some of that 'loose powder' cuz apparently these Triple 7 Magnum pellets I'm shooting aren't worth a hoot 'n hell! Just before noon this day I had made me a false muzzle for my ML so I went up on my range to try it out and I fired these 3 shots shown below from 300 yards. Two rounds hit just a tat left of the 1.5" bolt head I've got holding these plates onto the mainframe and without a doubt iffen I change over to that 'loose powder'.....I'll be able to wear that bolt head out even more so than I do now shooting these Triple 7 pellets! hell with these loose pellets....gotta get me some of that loose powder....which I already have in abundance to use in my BPCR I guess I'll just krap-can these pellets. But I'm just wondering if that 'loose powder' is gonna give me those 6" 5 shot groups from 600 yards I've been getting with these here sorry ole Triple 7 stuff?? Hmmmm....gonna have to check that out I guess afore I pitch these pellets!!


Hot dang.....I gotta get me some of that 'loose powder' cuz apparently these Triple 7 Magnum pellets I'm shooting aren't worth a hoot 'n hell! Just before noon this day I had made me a false muzzle for my ML so I went up on my range to try it out and I fired these 3 shots shown below from 300 yards. Two rounds hit just a tat left of the 1.5" bolt head I've got holding these plates onto the mainframe and without a doubt iffen I change over to that 'loose powder'.....I'll be able to wear that bolt head out even more so than I do now shooting these Triple 7 pellets! hell with these loose pellets....gotta get me some of that loose powder....which I already have in abundance to use in my BPCR I guess I'll just krap-can these pellets. But I'm just wondering if that 'loose powder' is gonna give me those 6" 5 shot groups from 600 yards I've been getting with these here sorry ole Triple 7 stuff?? Hmmmm....gonna have to check that out I guess afore I pitch these pellets!!
Sounds a little sarcastic lol.

Every gun is an individual, and should be treated as such. If you got something that shoots, stay with it. I guess if I were you, I'd probably stay with pellets too :D.

Hot dang.....I gotta get me some of that 'loose powder' cuz apparently these Triple 7 Magnum pellets I'm shooting aren't worth a hoot 'n hell! Just before noon this day I had made me a false muzzle for my ML so I went up on my range to try it out and I fired these 3 shots shown below from 300 yards. Two rounds hit just a tat left of the 1.5" bolt head I've got holding these plates onto the mainframe and without a doubt iffen I change over to that 'loose powder'.....I'll be able to wear that bolt head out even more so than I do now shooting these Triple 7 pellets! hell with these loose pellets....gotta get me some of that loose powder....which I already have in abundance to use in my BPCR I guess I'll just krap-can these pellets. But I'm just wondering if that 'loose powder' is gonna give me those 6" 5 shot groups from 600 yards I've been getting with these here sorry ole Triple 7 stuff?? Hmmmm....gonna have to check that out I guess afore I pitch these pellets!!
Sounds a little sarcastic lol.

Every gun is an individual, and should be treated as such. If you got something that shoots, stay with it. I guess if I were you, I'd probably stay with pellets too :D.

"Sounds a little sarcastic lol."

Possibly so! Each and every rifle....and individual is an entity onto itself....and what possibly won't work for one individual may work exceedingly well for another individual! The only things that are absolute.....are the IRON-CLAD RULES OF MARKSMANSHIP......which are unyielding in their nature which if not applied always result in negative results for the shooter!! Over the previous 20 or so years I've shot cases upon cases of loose black powder shooting it through my M1874 Sharps rifles; used it in many different makes of muzzle-loaders with varying degrees of success but oft times.....lousy success! Black powder cartridge rifles are extremely particular about finding a load that each one I'm no stranger to the use of 'loose' black powder. With that being said....I have never found any combination of loads that shoot as well as this particular ML that I am using pellets with!

Happy New spite of the IDIOT in the White House!!
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I just started using BH209 in my CVA Accura and I came accross a article that says using wads under conicals improves accuracy. Any experience with this, pro or con?
first time using BH209 was today. with it being 100 out and 10 mph wind my shotting time was not long. with a stock vortek and low drag 250 grain hornady and 120gr of BH209.
At 100' 3 shot egg shap hole. almost one holed.3" high 1" right
at 200' was 5" high and 2" out. still a 1" group
at 300' only shoot twice. never hit paper. have no idea where they went.
target was the 18"x18"? orange grid
first time using BH209 was today. with it being 100 out and 10 mph wind my shotting time was not long. with a stock vortek and low drag 250 grain hornady and 120gr of BH209.
At 100' 3 shot egg shap hole. almost one holed.3" high 1" right
at 200' was 5" high and 2" out. still a 1" group
at 300' only shoot twice. never hit paper. have no idea where they went.
target was the 18"x18"? orange grid

5" high and you're OVER SHOOTING the target by the time it gets to 100 yards.

Keep it simple, get the rifle 1" high at 50 yards and it should be close to dead on. Right now, its just sighted in way to high. That might be good for 200 yards though!gun)
5" high and you're OVER SHOOTING the target by the time it gets to 100 yards.

Keep it simple, get the rifle 1" high at 50 yards and it should be close to dead on. Right now, its just sighted in way to high. That might be good for 200 yards though!gun)

the point was not to sight it in. just to see the difference from triple 7 to BH209. the rifle was set up with a Bushnell DOA scope so dead on at 100......
the 209 was impressive to say the least.
with that good of groups why sight in at 50'. Anything under 75' i will use my bow. I am going to play with this and try for 400' groups. after all playing is the fun part
the point was not to sight it in. just to see the difference from triple 7 to BH209. the rifle was set up with a Bushnell DOA scope so dead on at 100......
the 209 was impressive to say the least.
with that good of groups why sight in at 50'. Anything under 75' i will use my bow. I am going to play with this and try for 400' groups. after all playing is the fun part

One question to clarify things. Are you talking about feet, yards, or meters? At 600 feet (200 yards), my groups with BH209 are less than 2" usually about 1.5 inches.

Good luck.
One question to clarify things. Are you talking about feet, yards, or meters? At 600 feet (200 yards), my groups with BH209 are less than 2" usually about 1.5 inches.

Good luck.

When using my phone it will change something and others I fat finger
My drops (approximately) with 80 gr. of BH209 and the 250gr. Hornady @1560 fps. are as follows:

100 yds. - 0.0"
200 yds. - 18"
300 yds. - 57"

Which could be why you were low @ 300 yds.

Good luck.
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