Blackhorn 209 ignition

I have shot a lot of Blackhorn 209 and always used Fed 209A or CCI 209M. Never had an issue. I do drill out the flame channel every 20-30 shots. I have got great accuracy and I weigh out every charge. The below is from their website on which primers are the best:

"We have experienced the best performance, consistency and accuracy with CCI 209M and Federal 209A. NOTE: DO NOT use 209 muzzleloading primers such as Winchester Triple 7, Remington Kleenbore, Federal Fusion, or CCI In-Line MZL."
Same process here and zero issues
Yeah when I cleaned the gun the flash hole and flame channel were clear. I am gonna be on the lookout for some magnum primers and give it another try. Gonna post a want add at the sporting clays club next time I'm out, just looking for 100.

One more hang or misfire am I'm out though. Never had a dry pellet not fire. I'll just deal with the cleaning.
I wanted to clarify on what we did. We drilled out more metal with a cordless drill making the flash hole larger diameter not cleaned it with a drill bit.
So today I decided I would try to the MZ dialed in for next year with Blackhorn instead of my normal two pellets of 777 or Blue MZ.
Rifle is a Knight Disc Extreme normally shooting Barnes TMZ 250gr but I started with my stash of XTPs so I wasn't doing rough site in with expensive bullets. Begged some standard 209s instead of my MZ specific ones per the Blackhorn website.
1st shot at 25 way off target since this scope was on my 7RM until last month but I made my adjustments and moved back to 50yd
2nd shot very close so a little more adjustment and move to 100yd
3rd shot primer fired but did not ignite powder…. Wait and load another primer it fires but no ignition…

Remove breach plug, powder pours out everywhere, not a kernel was burned and the flash hole seems fine because I went back to my pellets and MZ marketed primers and it went bang 5 more times.

Thoughts?! Blackhorn 209 minus 300grs for sale in Eastern NC? Not sure what the deal was.
I bought a Disc Extreme about 6 years ago. Tried everything I could think of , but could not get it to shoot BH209. I fixed it by selling it and buying a CVA. Have not looked back since.
I would suspect that this would also increase flashback through the enlarged flash hole.
Probably never has caused any problems. If it had or does will just replace that plug (not the gun) and start again as it doesn't work as designed. I can find the size of bit we used, it was barely larger than the factory hole. On my Bighorn (factory nipples, and the phony red plastic cap) with caps it would blow pieces of cap around if I loaded it with anything close to 140gr 3F or 110gr of BH. Now with 209 it blows the plunger back, cap off, or stretches them bad if I go over 150 3F or 120 BH. When I shoot it I dont care when my kids shoot it I down load it a little.
I shoot a cva optima, federal primers and have only ever used blackhorn 209, pellets are a no no here. This rifle shoots very good and never have had issues, one thing cva recommended was if you shoot blackhorn, get the specific breech plug for that type of loose powder. I know plenty of people on the net say it's not required, but if I have the bull of a lifetime come in, I want to make sure my equipment would not be the source of a fouled up situation. Maybe a different breech plug? I'm not familiar with knight muzzle loaders though
I shoot a cva optima, federal primers and have only ever used blackhorn 209, pellets are a no no here. This rifle shoots very good and never have had issues, one thing cva recommended was if you shoot blackhorn, get the specific breech plug for that type of loose powder. I know plenty of people on the net say it's not required, but if I have the bull of a lifetime come in, I want to make sure my equipment would not be the source of a fouled up situation. Maybe a different breech plug? I'm not familiar with knight muzzle loaders though
We have six CVA Optima's in elk camp. Two people have the specific 209 plug. No one has noticed any difference and the two (first ones to buy them) said the same thing so no one else replaced their stock plug. Everyone shoots the Fed209A for hunting and no one has had any issue with the BH igniting. Only guy who killed a bull last year out of four of us....has the 209 specific plug and was using the stock plug....go figure.
Yeah I am not spending $112(after shipping and Tex)to find out if this works. Pellets have been my easy button to kill deer to 150yd since I first got my Knight 15 or so years ago. MZ season is short and early here in eastern NC the motivation isn't there to put too much money into finding out if i can get Blackhorn to work.

I do thank everyone for their input and experiences. If I find a 100ct flat of the correct primers I will report back with my results.
So today I decided I would try to the MZ dialed in for next year with Blackhorn instead of my normal two pellets of 777 or Blue MZ.
Rifle is a Knight Disc Extreme normally shooting Barnes TMZ 250gr but I started with my stash of XTPs so I wasn't doing rough site in with expensive bullets. Begged some standard 209s instead of my MZ specific ones per the Blackhorn website.
1st shot at 25 way off target since this scope was on my 7RM until last month but I made my adjustments and moved back to 50yd
2nd shot very close so a little more adjustment and move to 100yd
3rd shot primer fired but did not ignite powder…. Wait and load another primer it fires but no ignition…

Remove breach plug, powder pours out everywhere, not a kernel was burned and the flash hole seems fine because I went back to my pellets and MZ marketed primers and it went bang 5 more times.

Thoughts?! Blackhorn 209 minus 300grs for sale in Eastern NC? Not sure what the deal was.
Highly doubt it's the powder
So today I decided I would try to the MZ dialed in for next year with Blackhorn instead of my normal two pellets of 777 or Blue MZ.
Rifle is a Knight Disc Extreme normally shooting Barnes TMZ 250gr but I started with my stash of XTPs so I wasn't doing rough site in with expensive bullets. Begged some standard 209s instead of my MZ specific ones per the Blackhorn website.
1st shot at 25 way off target since this scope was on my 7RM until last month but I made my adjustments and moved back to 50yd
2nd shot very close so a little more adjustment and move to 100yd
3rd shot primer fired but did not ignite powder…. Wait and load another primer it fires but no ignition…

Remove breach plug, powder pours out everywhere, not a kernel was burned and the flash hole seems fine because I went back to my pellets and MZ marketed primers and it went bang 5 more times.

Thoughts?! Blackhorn 209 minus 300grs for sale in Eastern NC? Not sure what the deal was.
I use win 209 and never have had a problem ever since blackhorn came out.
I just found it odd that starting from a squeaky clean rifle including breech plug two shots in I got not just one but two primer shots to not ignite. If it NEEDS magnum primers I might be sticking with my pellets because I haven't seen a magnum 209 primer ever at a store around here.
Cci 209M are more common than you think. Most poeple just dont notice the M on the package.
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