Bighorn actions

Oct 31, 2015
Eastern WA
I have been considering getting a defiance deviant for my next build but with bighorn coming out with the TL3 this summer i think i might wait for it. I have never owned a custom action but I really like the functionality of the Bighorn with its floating bolthead, savage threads for pre-fits, integral recoil lug and now with the TL3 a controlled feed i see no downside. I have heard very good things about defiance and bighorn what are your guys thoughts on the bighorn actions? Just looking for some firsthand experience with them thanks in advance everyone.
I'm having a custom built on a SR2 LA and it's very nice and built like a tank, I' m sure the TL3 will be even better.

Not going with prefits though; I'm having my gunsmith achieve as much accuracy out of his LR gun building expertise and meticulous ways.:D
I used a Bighorn action on my last build and can not say one thing bad about the action. The floating bolthead in my opinion is a plus. Had a smith do all of the work and accuracy is an understatement. Very pleased. Pleasure to deal with as well.
I'd like to revitalize this thread if I may. I'm very curious about putting together a rifle with a Bighorn Action. Since it takes Savage barrel threads, does that mean I can attach the barrel myself at home? Anybody have pics of Bighorn builds. Looking to make a regular hunting rifle with a 20" barrel in 338 RCM.
I'd like to revitalize this thread if I may. I'm very curious about putting together a rifle with a Bighorn Action. Since it takes Savage barrel threads, does that mean I can attach the barrel myself at home? Anybody have pics of Bighorn builds. Looking to make a regular hunting rifle with a 20" barrel in 338 RCM.

I do not own a TL3, but looking at the specs I believe you can. Please see the article below.
I was shooting at a competition in Oklahoma a few weeks ago. 15-20 mph winds all day, dust blowing constantly. Had to pull out bolts and clean them and the raceways about 3 times that day just to keep the rifles cycling. We had 8 guys in our group. Running defiance, savage, Rem 700, big horn, 2 ars, and I didn't notice what the other receivers were. But the Big Horn locked up on my buddy. Firing pin assembly seized, and long before it did he was having hangfires, and other firing control problems due to the dirty conditions. Trigger was Bix&Andy. I've heard the big horns have tight tolerances and that seemed to be the case that day. Not knocking them just sharing what I witnessed.
What bottom metal are guys using with the Bighorn actions? I'm looking to build a hunting rifle and really dont need a big obtrusive AICS mag hanging out the bottom. Is BDL style floorplate my only other option? If so who makes a good one?
What bottom metal are guys using with the Bighorn actions? I'm looking to build a hunting rifle and really dont need a big obtrusive AICS mag hanging out the bottom. Is BDL style floorplate my only other option? If so who makes a good one?

Run one of these.

They are pretty good. Had one on a custom Remington 700 .300 win mag. Worked fine. It sits flush with the bottom metal and looks like a BDL from afar. You can also switch out to larger mags if you need to. Once you go detachable, you don't really ever want to go back to internal, ADL style.
Run one of these.

They are pretty good. Had one on a custom Remington 700 .300 win mag. Worked fine. It sits flush with the bottom metal and looks like a BDL from afar. You can also switch out to larger mags if you need to. Once you go detachable, you don't really ever want to go back to internal, ADL style.

That is exactly what I had in mind. Thanks! Now to find out if the 338 RCM will function in that magazine??
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