Biggest buck I’ve ever seen

Do you run adjustable gas blocks on you 350 L ARs ? I was just curious if the jams could just be a blowback pressure issue. With a low pressure round like that , it's probably just growing pains with finding the right hole size for the barrel side of the gas system in manufacturing . I always run SLR gas blocks on any AR I slap together . Even on 223s . Just a nice tuning feature to really dial the action into the bullet combo reguardless of caliber.
Nope standard gas block. Seems to be ammo related
That's an awesome deer. Thick main beams, a little non-typical shovel or palm growing there? That's a buck of a lifetime. Maybe.... seems you got a spot nailed down. Maybe there are some offspring coming?. His neck is huge from the rut. Nice going. Nice looking gun.

As old as this guy is there's definitely offspring coming. Hell I watched a mature 10 point run right past me as I was gutting him, so if no one gets him second season, he'll be a monster next year too. And yeah this guy has a lot of non typical traits, I'm not sure where the line is from typical with abnormalities to non typical, but if he's not non typical he's riding the line. If he didn't have 3 points broken off I think he would've been definitively non typical, but no matter what he's classified as, he's a monster of a buck and by FAR the biggest I've ever gotten.
Public land in Iowa, 125 yard shot, 350 legend with hornady ftx bullets

First let me show you the cams
View attachment 317022
Looked huge but couldn't count points from the low quality pic.
First 45 minutes of deer season and I got a great shot on him. Shot once and saw him stumble hard, but kept running. Shot again and I completely missed lol but after 30-40 yards running he took a hard fall and never got back up.
Here he is :)
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Words could not describe the feeling when I saw how big that deer was in person
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Realizing you can't see all the points in the picture lol, there's some small points that curve backwards and stick out from the back of the antler and this angle doesn't show them. 20 points total, 17 that are longer than 1 inch and not broken off (the 3 other points were small and chipped off from fighting I think)

Biggest deer I've ever seen in person, took 3 people to lift it into the side by side after it was gutted.

Our group had 7 tags, and we got 7 deer by 9 am first day. 4 bucks and 3 does. 17 point, 7 point, 6 point, and 5 point, and one of the does was bigger bodied than the 5 point.

Plenty of meat! If only I owned a hanging scale to figure out just how heavy this monster is
Now that's a superior buck. Congrads!
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As old as this guy is there's definitely offspring coming. Hell I watched a mature 10 point run right past me as I was gutting him, so if no one gets him second season, he'll be a monster next year too. And yeah this guy has a lot of non typical traits, I'm not sure where the line is from typical with abnormalities to non typical, but if he's not non typical he's riding the line. If he didn't have 3 points broken off I think he would've been definitively non typical, but no matter what he's classified as, he's a monster of a buck and by FAR the biggest I've ever gotten.
You should score him both ways and see which way is more generous. You are in the taint zone, for sure. Simple explanation is, you will loose score NET from side to side differences on the TYPICAL FRAME regardless of which way you want to list him . The different is , if you score him as a non typical , he will get all the trash ADDED to the net typical score. As a typical, all the trash will be DEDUCTED from the net typical score . You would think it would be a no brainer to score him nontypical based in my comments, BUT the threshold for admission into the b and c book is 170" for a typical and 195" for nontypical . You can give up 25" in trash deductions and still book as a typical . Id love to see where he would fair better. Of course, booking isn't important , but would pay tribute to the deer and let you see how he stacks up with the rest of the whitetail world.
The only way I'd have let him walk is if he was headed towards my truck ! Lol
To add to the impressiveness of this hunt, I actually didn't even have to drag him out of the woods, he ran from where I shot him (at the edge of the woods) out into the empty corn field owned by my hunting buddy. So I just gutted him where he lied after taking the initial pictures with him, and we drove the truck right up to him and tossed him in. For a deer that heavy, it was a blessing from above that I didn't have to drag him anywhere.
To add to the impressiveness of this hunt, I actually didn't even have to drag him out of the woods, he ran from where I shot him (at the edge of the woods) out into the empty corn field owned by my hunting buddy. So I just gutted him where he lied after taking the initial pictures with him, and we drove the truck right up to him and tossed him in. For a deer that heavy, it was a blessing from above that I didn't have to drag him anywhere.
Love when that happens.
My first elk way up in the mountains ran up over the mountain. He only went 40 yards but instead of dragging g him up a steep mountain 40 yards I had to drag him 70 down a steep slope to a atv trail.

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