bi-pod poll


  • Yes it's a must have

    Votes: 154 59.0%
  • No it's not necessary

    Votes: 17 6.5%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 90 34.5%

  • Total voters
I use a Snipod most of the time.

Although for Prone at greater distances the Harris would be the ticket.
I don't go anywhere without my Harris. I shoot a lot better with a bipod and a pack under the butt of the gun
I have used the Harris and the swivel one as well but prefer the Vanguard Equalizer quick release. It has adjustable tension on the pivot point so it doesn't flop side to side. The #3 works perfect for sitting, 17-37" as I do in a coyote stand.
Absolutely necessary on heavy long rifle; never on standard rifle used in tree stands. The former cannot be shot any other way than from a bipod or bench rest; the latter is never shot prone and while the bench is used for sight-in and is similar to tree stand shooting there's a major difference. The bench barely moves, but the trees here are small and only located along rivers--which means wind--so the trees move nearly all the time. Atlas.
sp6x6 - Could I ask you what cheek riser/shell holder you are using on the rifle in your pic? - Many thanks.
You need to try the Atlas..... I would trade three Harris for one atlas

I have checked out the Atlas brand,.. they are nice seemingly well built units.

However,.. I find myself in more sitting positions while hunting / shooting and the Atlas brand is somewhat limited to meet my needs in that shooting position. Not to mention the cost factor of the Atlas, the 3 of my Harris combined would equate to the 1 Atlas.

I own 2 of the HB25CS & one of the HBLS units.

My 7 Mag and .338 WM both utilize the 13 1/2" to 27 inch 25CS units as they are my normal long range shooting weapons for big game.

I utilize the shorter HBLS (9" to 13") primarily for my varmint hunting IE: yotes,etc. as I do find myself in the prone position for that mode of hunting almost always.

The one feature I do like with the Atlas is the locking ability in the forward and backward positions,... that isn't available on the Harris units.
I use one all the time. I normally use 6 to 9 harris with swivel and notched legs. LOL........ i have 5 bipods:( i have issues.... I just put a versa pod size 15" to 23" for my next hunt.. Has anyone used the versa pod setup>?


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El' Cheapo Champion 9"-13" swivel bipod for me. It's a blatant knockoff of the Harris S series but considering they are only around $50 CAD it means the difference between having one and not having one at this point. As a guy shooting a Stevens dropped into a Boyd's stock, I represent the shoestring budget in a big way.

Is it as strong as a Harris? No. Does it have the notched legs for easy and secure adjustments? No. Does it have any pride of ownership? No.

Does it provide me with a rock solid front rest that allows me to approximately match my benchrest accuracy from the dirt? Yes.

Now I don't know how to live without a bipod, even if it's just a knockoff. After the new barrel, Kestrel, better reloading scale, good alpine boots, Fallkniven knife, etc... Then it might be time to have a serious look at the Atlas. They seem really nice. :D
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