Words of wisdom. Let the businesses work this out. JA Outdoors expressly relayed they have made the change in suppliers. SRS took a shot across the bow and played the revenge card. This has done nothing but caused division in this great forum.
Respectfully, what division? SRS innovated the SRS rail concept, and sold to a few, selected dealers he thought were decent, ethical people. IMHO, J&A figured out how to have that innovative product made elsewhere for less money and decided, unethically, to do so and screw SRS.
I don't care what "the rest of the story" is; there is a man's word in this world and if you can't keep it, you're dead to me. I've literally done million dollar deals on a handshake, with that company committing to buying over $4 million worth of new machinery to gear up to make parts for the company I worked for. They bought the machines, delivered the goods and they got paid on nothing more than my word they would.
If you want to buy from people who are unethical enough to steal someone else's product (and it's ABSOLUTELY crystal clear that the J&A product is a direct rip off, regardless of slight machining differences) then that's YOUR decision but it speaks volumes as to the character of the business you're dealing with. I was a cop for a long time and without people who are slimy enough to buy stolen goods, there wouldn't be thieves. I guess everyone can figure out if they're slimy enough to do business with a thief for a few bucks less...