Best rate of twist for 243. win

you can shoot 55-100 with a 10 twist. if you want to shoot the 115 you need a little faster, probably 7.5 or 7.7.
Qualifier needed for previous statement: 1:10 or 1:9 can shoot 100gr flat base or spire point style hunting bullets, but NOT 95+ weight VLD's. If you want to shoot 95gr and 105gr VLD's you need a 1:8 twist.

The 115gr bullets are really very specialized and need a 1:7.5 at least and probably a custom throat and magazine or single shot, which makes for a pretty dedicated rifle. Fine for competition, but probably not much else. I personally do not believe that one needs to go to 115gr bullets for hunting. Since competition is a narrow field, if thats what you have in mind you might be fine. I don't know of anyone who uses their dragster to get groceries either...
We are shooting the 95 vld hunting bergers with stock savages. 9.25 twist and three of us are under 1/2 moa at 100 and holding that (if we do our part to 800. they stabilize nicely at 2500 ft at least.

95 gr Match Grade Classic Hunter 0.427 0.219 1.070 1:10″ 24570

95 gr Match Grade VLD Hunting 0.480 0.246 1.150 1:9″ 24527

105 gr Match Grade VLD Hunting 0.532 0.272 1.235 1:8″ 24528

115 gr Match Grade VLD Hunting 0.545 0.279 1.365 1:7″ 24530

According to the Berger data the "classic hunter" is made for 1:10 twist.
I was trying the "Match grade VLD hunting" and it did not work out. It was a brand new, not a shot out barrel. 15 minute barrel swap and the 1:8 twist barrel was shooting the exact same loads beautifully. I am also at 1000ft and was doing the testing in 20-30F. Summer temperatures work better for marginal cases, but that does not help much when the load does not shoot come season...

For what the OP wants, the 1:8 is the best choice. If he wants to do 115 only, then a custom 1:7. I'm sure those blanks are not that common.
06-15-2010, 08:11 PM matt_3479

Gold Member
I'm pretty sure the OP had since move on after 3 years. :):Dlightbulb
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