Best Prank Ever!


Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007
On our last trip to TX we pulled off one of the best pranks ever! Good thing Ethan is a good sport. A little back story before you watch the clip. Erin (the host of Giving Back TV), Brian, and I were all three stuffed into a blind. That's like putting gas on a fire! On this concession they have a donkey. For coyote control. We thought it would be funny if we could convince the guides that we had accidently shot the donkey. We snapped a picture of the donkey rolling in the dirt and got him with feet up in the air and sent it to the guides! I'm surprised anything came into the blind after that. We were stuffed in that box doing our best to choke the laughter! Now we are thinking we are pretty funny! A bit later I shot a white fallow deer. We called to let them know we had an animal down. The youngest guide, Ethan, made the 30 minute drive to us. We took pictures and stuff. Then we decided to act like we were looking for the deer when Ethan pulled up. This is epic!

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