As it seems that this thread is aimed towards the new guys, then I'd like to bring up notes, and note taking, only 2 other mentions here. I suck at note takng. Always have. Notes in class? Yeah, no. Not me. However, I got tired of having to start over during load development on my one semi custom rifle. Every time I would get close( to closing in ) , life would happen, and I would get pulled away for a period, the last one being a year in duration. When I finally got back to me, and MY desires, I was completely freaking lost. So I had to get better at note- taking. And I'm not good at it, prolly never will be. I just write EVERYTHING down about my rifle! Turning into more of a novel, but I'm Finally about got her dialed in. After about 1000 rounds down the pipe. So....NOTES. And More Notes !